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dg7feq (Offline)
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Default 13-08-2006, 22:32

Originally Posted by Bossman
I know...It's a major task trying to get any kind of response back from yackie. I myself will be needing to topup my credit, since I plan on using the trip on an upcoming trip in a few weeks. I'm not even sure how I will be able to top it up. I'll probably try contacting Cizake and hopefully he'll be able to help in that aspect too.
yeah, thats kind of funny.
Its even hard if you _want_ to spend money sometimes

I also tried to call the hotline / email the support to ask them to tell me my balance and if it is already low how i can topup...

So far the card itself is working fine for us now. In and Outgoing calls are working well, SMS are very fast and reliable.


Germany: o2 blue all-in L, simquadrat
Thailand: truemove (phone+sms+wifi)
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dg7feq (Offline)
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Default 15-08-2006, 20:36

It seems that i am falling from one pit into the next one...

Yesterday my girlfriend called me and told me the card said it has low balance.
We used up just a few minutes and about 20 SMS -- and we had the card with 99$ airtime. Now what? I emailed the support 2 times, i talked with the live chat "yes, we will send you a email shortly (that was yesterday), the hotline is always "busy talking to other customers"....

No reply from cizake for quite some time as well.

Slowly my patience is gone.


Germany: o2 blue all-in L, simquadrat
Thailand: truemove (phone+sms+wifi)
International: xxSim+372, toggle +44/+49/+41/+31
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 15-08-2006, 20:52

Oh Yes. I forgot to mention that. The billing is completely inaccurate! Cizake did mention that I should not pay attention to the call log on the new login that he provided. Well, I took a look at it anyway, and it was so inaccurate it was like a joke. SMS, VM were being billed incorrectly at like $0.50. Incoming calls were like $0.60 min. Quite a few outgoing calls that I did not even complete (never picked up the callback)or make were billed at the above rates. When all was said and done. Just for the couple of test incoming and out going calls, and 1 SMS the total bill was and is still showing $25.46. I manually added the calls and they did not even add to half that. Not being able to check balance from the phone, I could not tell what the phone balance would have said. For example, the 3:46 min call I made to setup VM shows a cost of $5.00. Yes, it's very wrong!

Well, I informed Cizake and that's when he asked me to not even look at the call log/balance. because their biilling was very messed up. So, he credited my entire intial credit back to me.

So, those that have used this sim (and that also can view call log via the special login from Cizake). You may need to pay attention to your balance/usage. It's probably very inaccurate.

I would have to think they would fix the billing issue soon though.

dg7feq, contact Cizake right away. There is probably no way around it right now but for them to credit your entire initial credit to you.

Phones: Xiaomi Mi Mix 2, Samsung Galaxy A50, ASUS zenfone 3,
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KarenM (Offline)
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Default 15-08-2006, 21:16

dg7feq, contact Cizake right away. There is probably no way around it right now but for them to credit your entire initial credit to you.
So, Bossman, have you been in contact with Cizake since you tried to help me make contact with him? I never heard word one from him, so went ahead and ordered UM, with $35 priority mail, yesterday. Then signed up for CBW. It's getting very close to the wire--Barry at CBW says it'll take a week from when I get my UM number till he can issue my dedicated 800#.

This whole thing has been such a frustration!

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money69 (Offline)
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Default 15-08-2006, 21:39


Theres some talk about this in another thread but basically some of us including me as well received e-mails from yackiemobile stating they are refunding our money if we have ordered because of a problem with the supplier of the sims. So, until further notice they are no longer accepting orders. Im in the same boat as you.
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 15-08-2006, 22:37

KarenM, No. I have not heard from Cizake. I asked another question regarding the posibility of topping up my sim. But, I have not heard anything back. I do not think I will top it up any longer unless the billing issues are ressolved. So, I will probably depend on my UM sim as my primary sim, if all the issue are not ironed before I take a trip next month.

I understand your frustration Karen. I just can't think of how I could have ressolved that billing issue were it not for Cizake. I know nobody has heard anything from him recently. I hope it's just temporary though.

Originally Posted by KarenM
So, Bossman, have you been in contact with Cizake since you tried to help me make contact with him? I never heard word one from him, so went ahead and ordered UM, with $35 priority mail, yesterday. Then signed up for CBW. It's getting very close to the wire--Barry at CBW says it'll take a week from when I get my UM number till he can issue my dedicated 800#.

This whole thing has been such a frustration!


Phones: Xiaomi Mi Mix 2, Samsung Galaxy A50, ASUS zenfone 3,
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 16-08-2006, 09:19

I received this email from Cizake (Also posted here). This was actually in response to the email I sent on behalf of KarenM. May be some of you also did. I gues the next step is how to get a refund. It seems like a very good product, but it's so unfortunate. It was obvious that something was going wrong once we stopped hearing from Cizake.

Dear customer

I am sorry to hear about the bad experience you have with Yackie Mobile. This product is an inherently good one.

Unfortunately the directors of the company had not taken as much care with the essentials of providing excellent customer service or technical support.

I had continually tried to get them to focus on those issues in addition to providing the physical sim. My goal was to not only have an excellent product, but an excellent company, offering all the support to make you want to be repeat customers. Some of you know how much I have been responsive to customers because I believe no company can survive without a strong customer relationship.

However, with the continuing problems at Yackie remaining unchanged, and my having done all I could, I decided to leave Yackie Mobile and formally ask the owners of the company to make a full refund to all customers.

For more information concerning your Yackie refund, please contact Michel at or

Best regards,


Phones: Xiaomi Mi Mix 2, Samsung Galaxy A50, ASUS zenfone 3,
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srickrode (Offline)
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Default 16-08-2006, 20:24

Just a note to all that, despite Cizake's unfortunate departure from Yackie, I just received an e-mail from Yackie providing me a link for account information and usage, along with a username and password. Looked at my call history to see if it picked up the call I tested with, and it did so accurately. I was charged $0.35 for a 33 second phonecall from my VZW cellphone to my Int'l phone. Still trying to figure out how to change the password, but otherwise am happy to finally see this working.

FWIW, it took me almost two months from the time I ordered my card until I received it (ordered around 5/19), and was extremely close to canceling. I still feel that, if they can get everything functioning correctly, this is still by far the best option for an Int'l SIM, especially for those who make phonecalls from Canada or Mexico to the US, where other cards don't seem to come close to Yackie in regards to call rates.

Unfortunately, I have not had an opportunity to test these calls out myself, so one never knows until tried, however I am going on a 3-country/2 week vacation to Europe next month, and will summarize my experience when I return along with accuracy of the online call-log when I return.

Patience is a virtue to all. Here's to hoping that everything continues to improve with their service.
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 16-08-2006, 20:39

I also received the link (they reset my password). Cizake had already given me this access anyway. That's how I was able to see the call logs. According to your test you were charged $0.35, but according to their rates shouldn't that have been $0.24?

To change the PW click on "Update User Details" on the right.

Phones: Xiaomi Mi Mix 2, Samsung Galaxy A50, ASUS zenfone 3,
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dg7feq (Offline)
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Default 16-08-2006, 20:58

Originally Posted by Bossman
I also received the link (they reset my password). Cizake had already given me this access anyway. That's how I was able to see the call logs. According to your test you were charged $0.35, but according to their rates shouldn't that have been $0.24?

To change the PW click on "Update User Details" on the right.
I got my login details today too.
but they are quite weird.
Every outgoing call has 2 lines - both start about 2-3 seconds from each other, have different durations and charges.

15/08/2006 04:39:56 Outgoing Call 16127709923   2.10  5:53 
15/08/2006 04:40:25 Phone Call 6618770XXX   0.11       5:26
This should be one call to a thai cellphone...

furthermore i bought the card with 99$ airtime, used 33$ according to the bill check -- and have 8.41$ left.

And: the test calls that the technical support made with me while my card did not work for incoming calls and which were reset are back on the list as well. about 10$ of test calls and all billed now.

I sent them a email. Lets see what happens now.
The hotline is still not reachable - but the live chat was on this afternoon and the person i talked to there (the same one as 2 days before) was quite helpful.


Germany: o2 blue all-in L, simquadrat
Thailand: truemove (phone+sms+wifi)
International: xxSim+372, toggle +44/+49/+41/+31
Phones: Huawei Mate7, Huawei P9
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