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caliston (Offline)
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Default Sudan operators and tariffs - 20-11-2010, 01:46

A dump of information, based on websites and experience a few months ago. I've marked a few things I've actually tested, never assume that anything listed here actually works until you've verified it.

SIMs can be bought widely in the market especially in big towns, and topup scratchcards can be bought on street corners. There is no need to register SIMs.

GSM operators are:

Canar and Sudani also operate CDMA networks. Most of Canar's products are aimed as landline equivalents (monthly subscription, etc), rather than mobiles.

Sudani Prepaid
Local call: SDG0.15/min
International call: SDG1.00/min
SMS domestic: SDG0.05
SMS international: SDG0.25
HSPA data (Sudani One Connect): SDG0.01 for 250KB*

* My experience was this was being charged at more like SDG0.10/connection, even if only a few KB was transferred (and connections go down frequently)

Zain tariff table. Roughly:
Domestic calls: SDG0.12-0.19
International calls: SDG1
SMS national: SDG0.05-0.08
SMS international: SDG0.25 (international SMS doesn't work, in my experience, sends but never delivered)
Unlimited data: SDG1 (in theory, activation instructions: I couldn't make this work)

MTN tariffs
MTN Alo:
National call: SDG0.14/min
International call: SDG1/min
SMS national: SDG0.04
SMS international: SDG0.25
GPRS/HSPA: SDG0.01/10KB (ie SDG1/MB)

MTN Hala:
On-net call: SDG0.138/min
Off-net call: SDG0.18/min
SMS national: SDG0.04
SMS international: SDG0.25

Balance transfer between SIMs is supported by Zain ('Maak', instructions), MTN (instructions) and Sudani (instructions)- you can send arbitrary amounts SDG1 or more this way to other people.

Canar, Sudani mDSL (CDMA EVDO), Zain and MTN offer mobile broadband dongles on either prepaid bundles or monthly postpaid basis.

MTN has a Facebook page giving settings. MTN User Guide.

MTN prepaid: "internet"
MTN postpaid: "internet1"
Sudani internet: "sudaninet"
Sudani MMS: "sudanimms"
Sudani WAP: "sudaniwap"
Sudani TV: "sudanimtv"
Zain internet: "Internet" or maybe "internet". Other Zain settings (probably also apply to connections wholly within Sudan - ie not just roaming).
Zain MMS: "mms"

Sudani mDSL
Modem SDG99 (eg ZTE AC8700 with empty UIM slot)
1 Hour: SDG1
1 Day: SDG5
1 week: SDG25
1 month: SDG95
3 months: SDG225
1 year: SDG750

Zain HSPA internet:
Modem SDG75 (mostly Huawei, some ZTE)
SDG40/month for 5GB, extra data SDG1/30MB
SDG80/month for 10GB, extra data SDG1/30MB
SDG100/month unlimited data

PAYG options:
Modem SDG149 (Huawei E156G) + 15 days internet
1 hour: SDG1.5
1am-7am: SDG2
25 hours: SDG20
Unlimited: SDG99 (per month, I assume)

Monthly contract:
Modem SDG199 (Huawei E1692) + 1 month internet
Router SDG390 (Huawei B220: my notes on hacking, unlocking) + 1 month internet
60 hours: SDG40
Unlimited: SDG99 (per month)

Canar Go EVDO
PC Card: Postpaid SDG50, prepaid SDG75
USB: Postpaid SDG150, prepaid SDG180
Router: Postpaid SDG350

Postpaid packages when using router:
Canar Go-3: SDG60/3GB, SDG30/GB after that
Canar Go-6: SDG132/6GB, SDG28/GB after that
Canar Go-10: SDG200/10GB, SDG25/GB after that
Canar Go-Unlimited: SDG300, unlimited downloads

Postpaid packages when using USB or PC Card:
Canar Go-3: SDG30/3GB, SDG35/GB after that
Canar Go-6: SDG40/6GB, SDG30/GB after that
Canar Go-10: SDG60/10GB, SDG28/GB after that
Canar Go-Unlimited: SDG100, unlimited downloads

Prepaid packages:
SDG0.03/min (SDG1.8/hour)

Speeds in central Khartoum on HSPA with Zain, MTN and Sudani circa 0.2-1Mbps down, 50-100Kbps up.

Zain supports One Network roaming within Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Malawi, Gabon, Malawi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Congo Brazzaville, Burkina Faso (+Madagascar, Ghana postpaid only). Calls from someone roaming in that country to the same country are changed at visited country local rates, calls from Sudan to the roamer are charged as local Sudan calls, calls from the roamer to other countries are charged at the local network's international rates.

Don't trust the English versions of any website, always read in conjunction with the Arabic via Google Translate or similar. Local conditions may always be different from what it says on any website.

Last edited by caliston; 20-11-2010 at 02:19..
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