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kctopitz (Offline)
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Default T-Mobile Euro Internet Booster - cheap data roaming in Europe - 05-04-2010, 06:45

This info was hinted at in a recent thread about cheap data roaming in Europe, but was inaccurate and incomplete so I thought I'd make a new post.

As of March 1, 2010 T-Mobile UK is offering a Euro Internet Booster for their SIMs when roaming in Europe. The 20MB for £5 over 7 days and 50MB for £10 over 30 days are the best deals. Combined with FishText, this could make a great way for keeping in touch via SMS when roaming in Europe.

Euro Internet Boosters (for your phone)

Euro Internet 3MB £1

* Surf the internet for a whole day up to 3MB
* Use it anytime up to 24 hours from when you buy it
* Check your emails or browse your favourite websites
* Update Facebook or Twitter with your holiday status
* Make plans using sites like TripAdvisor

Euro Internet 20MB £5

* Surf the internet for a whole week up to 20MB
* Use it anytime up to 7 days from when you buy it
* Same stuff as 3MB, plus
* Surf for a whole week on you favourite sites
* Keep in touch with your social sites, send emails and share your photo's

Euro Internet 50MB £10

* Surf the internet for a whole month up to 50MB
* Use it over 30 days from when you buy it
* Same stuff as 20MB, plus
* Surf your favourite sites for a whole month
* Check and reply to work or personal emails for your whole stay

How to get your Euro Internet or Broadband Booster

Just try to access data in the normal way via your handset or log in to your mobile broadband account when you're in Europe and you'll be offered the relevant options above - just choose the one you need and get surfing.

Pay per day customers
Make sure you top up before you go, and the cost will come off your balance.
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