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rockjock (Offline)
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Join Date: 13 Jul 2008
Location: Neumarkt

Talking Vodafone D2 - 21-04-2009, 14:48

Hello to all! I have a few questions. I am in Germany on a holiday of sorts and was asked to look at my frineds Nokia 1200 ok ok I know its a pos but here is the question. Each time she powers up the phone she is not able to disable the sim pin option, so she must enter the sim pin each time. I have put her sim in my nokia n95-4 and the option is not allowed so I have to assume its on the sim. Also quite often the phone will restart itself which is a pain as she must enter in the pin again. So I was at Media Markt and they had the 1208 for 13 € also on D2, but no sim. So my question is this can I buy her that phone ( she likes the size and style of it ) and can she call and have her number ported over?

any help would be great. Oh the other option was there was a 1208 that would accept a sim BUT her old phones keypad was wonkie and she must call and ask for the PUK for it. Not a big problem but at an outing on friday someone pinched the phone. Yes Yes she has no luck with phones.. her last one a Siemens a55 worked great till the battery went bad. She was unable to find another battery for it.

any insight would be great

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