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Default 21-10-2006, 06:50

This is very disappointing news to those neutral or 'white hat,' Asterisk/trixbox fans.

I currently have Voicestick and their MG-3 ATA (quite the bargain and not locked-down either).

I planned to set-up trixbox with my Voicestick DID number for incoming calls.
(after reading this thread, I will hold-off with these particular plans)

I understand Voicestick needs to do (what they need to do) for the greater good of their customer base
and to not have their infrastructure brought to its knees.
(Funny, I had actually saved, printed-out and reviewed the Voicestick TOS right before I signed-up,
as I had nothing really to go on at the time other than the praise for Voicestick
within the Voxilla Forum threads by 'Ben77.')

For purposes of incoming DID use,
what is to stop a Voicestick user from doing the following:

taking a Voicestick 'approved' MG-3 ATA...
connect its RJ11 analog (FXS) jack to another FXO port (within a trixbox PC)...

taking a Voicestick 'approved' MG-3 ATA...
connect its RJ11 analog (FXS) jack to another MG-3's RJ11 'PSTN/FXO' jack and then on to a trixbox PC?

They cannot dictate (or even scan for) what may be connected to
the analog RJ11 (FXS) jack on 'Voicestick approved' hardware, right?


It reminds me of the time I was trying to make a small, cash deposit into my relative's bank account.
I already had my relative's account number and we both 'banked' with the same bank, as well.

When I asked the bank teller for a blank, checking deposit slip, I was asked for I.D.
(this was pre 9/11 for those keeping score at home).

After providing proper I.D. and filling-out the blank checking deposit slip,
I was told that the account number I had written on the slip did not match what was on file for myself -
No kidding! I'm depositing monies into my relative's account..
hello? Is this thing on? The teller apologized and would not let me make the deposit.

Once I returned home, I called the bank's 800# to complain and to also point-out
(to the Supervisor I was speaking with) that had I gotten to the bank before 3pm
and obtained a checking deposit slip from the lobby on my own (and not a via the 'walk-up' teller)
this inconvenience would have been avoided and their silly rules completely circumvented!

I later found-out that such silly rules were a lame attempt by this bank
to thwart a technique allegedly favored by organized crime...

This was truly a case of 'rules/TOS' that were created with good intent,
but were, in the end, ineffective & only partially enforceable...
and merely a thorn-in-the-side of the law-abiding customer...
but I digress.

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