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inquisitor (Offline)
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Question Germany | guide on how to order and recharge solomo SIM cards - 26-04-2010, 14:00

As I was asked repeatedly how to order or recharge solomo SIM cards, here's a short guide:
  1. open (only ordering through this link will give you € 5 of extra credit, later shown as "solomo Voucher 5 Euro "Kunden werben Kunden"").
  2. chose your tariff: "solomo pro" or "solomo 0/8/5" (note, that only solomo pro provides cheap international and roaming rates and VoIP service)
  3. now chose a phone number:
    • either take the suggested number ("Ihre neue solomo Rufnummer lautet:01570 / xxxxxxx")
    • pick another number ("Wunschrufnummer oder mehrere Rufnummern aussuchen")
    • import a number from another operator ("Meine bestehende Rufnummer zu solomo mitnehmen."), which however requires cancellation of contract with your original operator even for prepaid SIMs.
  4. If you have decided to pick another number a list of 12 suggestions will be shown. Below you can search for a number containing up to 4 digits of your choice ("Nach bestimmten Rufnummern suchen (bis zu 4 Ziffern)"). However some easier to remember numbers are designated "silver" ("Silber Rufnummer)" or "gold" ("Gold Rufnummer") costing some additional € 5 or € 25.
    After chosing a number click on "Weiter zu Schritt 3" in order to continue ordering.
  5. Now recharge settings have to be made ("Auflade-Einstellungen"). You may chose between:
    • Automatische Aufladung - Komfort
      which will recharge your SIM automatically by the last-mentioned amount if credit falls below the fist-mentioned amount.
    • Automatische Aufladung - Taschengeld
      which will recharge your SIM weekly ("wöchentlich") or monthly ("monatlich") with the given amount
    • Automatische Aufladung deaktivieren und Guthaben manuell aufladen
      which will disable automatic recharge.
    Below (under "Sonstige Einstellungen ") you may chose if you want to have an itemized bill and if so the level of details:
    • vollständiger Einzelverbindungsnachweis (EVN)
      = complete itemized bill containing all numbers dialed
    • gekürzter Einzelverbindungsnachweis (EVN)
      = shortened itemized bill containing anonymized numbers (shortened by last 3 digits)
    • kein Einzelverbindungsnachweis (EVN)
      = no itemized bill at all
    Lastly you have to set a password to legitimate with customer care ("Hotline Passwort:").
    Continue by clicking "weiter zu Schritt 4".
  6. The next page will show the total amount due. Check out by clicking "Zur Kasse".
  7. Now, if you already have an online account with solomo, you may log in or, if not, create a new account by hitting "Neues Konto anlegen".
  8. If you have chosen to create a new account, you will be required to enter the following details:
    • Benutzername = username
      (may only contain the following charachters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9)
    • Passwort = password
      the password must contain at least 7 characters, otherwise password quality will be insufficient ("ungenügend")
    • Passwort bestätigen = repeat password
    • E-Mail Adresse = eMail address
    • E-Mail Adresse bestätigen = repeat eMail address
    Confirm by clicking "Neues Benutzerkonto anlegen".
  9. Now enter the following details:
    • Anrede = title (Frau = Mrs, Herr = Mr)
    • Vorname = firstname
    • Nachname = lastname
    • Firma = company
    • Adresszusatz = additional address information (e.g. "c/o someone" or floor)
    • Straße / Hausnr. = street / number
    • PLZ / Ort = postal code / city
    • Geburtstag = birthday (Tag = day, Monat = month, Jahr = year)
    • Mobilfunknummer = mobile phone number
    • Telefonnummer = fixed phone number
    • Faxnummer = fax number
    • Land = country
    Below you may chose a different billing address ("Abweichende Rechnungsadresse") or shipping address ("Abweichende Lieferadresse"). If you check one of these you need to add an address by clicking "Rechnungsadresse hinzufügen" or "Lieferadresse hinzufügen".
    Then click "Weiter zu Schritt 6".
  10. Chose between payment...
    • credit card ("per Kreditkarte bezahlen"), which will require the following details
      • Karteninhaber = card holder's name
      • Kreditkartenanbieter = card company (American Express, Mastercard or Visa)
      • Kreditkartennummer = card number
      • Prüfnummer (CVC) = security code
      • Gültig bis = validity
      • Die Kreditkartendaten in "Meine Zahlungsdaten" speichern = save credit card for future payments
    • by bank transfer ("per Überweisung bezahlen")
    click "Weiter zu Schritt 8"
  11. Finally the confirmation page will show up, where you need to check all 3 checkboxes on the bottom and click "Bestellung absenden"
  12. If the order succeeded, the following page should say "Die Bestellung wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen." (=the order has been completed successfully) and you should receive two eMails with the following subjects:
    • solomo - besser mobil / Ihr Benutzerkonto wurde erstellt = your account has been created
    • solomo - besser mobil / Ihre Bestellung wurde abgeschlossen = your order has been completed
    The first eMail ("solomo - besser mobil / Ihr Benutzerkonto wurde erstellt") contains an activation link, which has to be clicked!
    If you have chosen to pay by bank transfer, the second eMail will contain the following bank details:
    • recipient: solomo GmbH
    • bank: Commerzbank
    • account number: 104436100
    • bank code: 44340037
    • IBAN: DE51 4434 0037 0104 4361 00
    • reference (1st part): xxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxx
    • reference (2nd part): firstname lastname
    • amount: see confirmation eMail

After clicking the activation link, you can log in to solomo's Website by clicking "mein solomo", where you can see the status of your order under "Meine Bestellungen" and where you will find a lot of other settings and services.

Here's a translation of the remaining menu of "mein solomo":

SIM-Verwaltung = SIM administration
Verwalten der SIM-Karte(n) = administer your SIM card(s)

Guthaben aufladen = recharge credit
Online Aufladen = recharge online credit (note that solomo has sepearate credit for the SIM and their online services, such as VoIP and SMS via their website)

Verbindungsübersicht = itemized bill
Gespräche, SMS, Daten = calls, SMS, data

Hauptmenü = main menu

Mein Profil = my profile
Meine Daten = my details
Mein Passwort = my password
Meine Rechnungen = my bills
Mein Kontoauszug = my account statement
Meine Bestellungen = my orders
Mein Newsletter = my newsletter
Meine Einstellungen = my settings
Meine Verbindungen = my connections

Meine SIM-Karte(n) = my SIM card
SIM-Karte verwalten = administer SIM card
Guthaben aufladen = recharge credit (note that solomo has sepearate credit for the SIM and their online services, such as VoIP and SMS via their website)
Komfortaufladung = automatic recharge
Verbindungsübersicht = itemized bill
SIM-Einstellungen = SIM settings
Rufnummer portieren = import number from another operator
Kunden-werben-Kunden = customer referal program

Meine Extras = my extras
iSMS verwalten = administer iSMS (= sending SMS via solomo's website)
VoIP-Account verwalten = administer VoIP account
TweetPush verwalten = administer TweetPush (= free Twitter messages through SMS)

You can recharge your solomo SIM either...
  • by "viload" vouchers available at most gasstations and many kiosks (find one here).
    After purchasing a voucher, enter *101*voucher code# into your phone
  • by credit card:
    • log into "mein solomo" and click "Guthaben aufladen" and chose "solomo Prepaid SIM-Karte" to recharge the SIM credit.
    • Afterwards you wil be asked wether to enable automatic recharge ("Ja,...") or not ("Nein,...")
    • Now chose "Aufladung per Kreditkarte" and select an existing credit card below or enter a new credit card by selecting "Neue Kreditkartendaten hinterlegen und in die folgende Box eingeben." and click "Guthaben aufladen".
  • by bank transfer:
    Just transfer an amount between € 15 and €50 to:
    • recipient: vistream GmbH
    • account number: 1181653
    • bank code: 44050199
    • bank: Sparkasse Dortmund
    • IBAN: DE34440501990001181653
    • reference: 491570xxxxxxx (your solomo number)
    • amount: between €15 and €50

You can configure call diversions at "mein solomo" under "Meine SIM-Karte(n)" / "SIM Rufumleitungen", where diversion can be made for the following cases:
  • Alle Anrufe umleiten = divert all calls
  • Umleiten wenn besetzt = divert if busy
  • Anrufe bei nicht abheben = divert if unanswered after x seconds ("umleiten nach")
  • Anrufe bei nicht Erreichbarkeit = divert if unavailable (= no coverage or switched off)
"Keine Rufumleitung" means no diversion.

terminals: Samsung: Galaxy S5 DuoS (G900FD); BLU: Win HD LTE; Nokia: 1200; Asus: Fonepad 7 ME372CG; Huawei data: E3372, Vodafone R201, K3765, E1762;
postpaid: O2 on Business XL; prepaid: DE: Aldi Talk, Lidl; UK: 3; BG: MTel, vivacom; RU: MTS; RS: MTS; UAE: du Tourist SIM; INT'L: toggle mobile
VoIP: (German DID); (British DID); (British DID); (Swiss DID); (Bulgarian DID);
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0/8/5, order, pro, recharge, solomo

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