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vinci (Offline)
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Default - 07-02-2015, 00:52

I've bought a sim card that I thought was simply from Fonic. Well, it does belong to the Fonic network, but it seems the support is outsourced to callmobile, so I belong to (this is also their site).

Anyway, after I bought the sim, those who sold it to me didn't seem to know exactly what they were doing, but they sent an sms from my phone to 36642 with START SMART S (that was the option I wanted). Then I received an sms from 3664201 asking for confirmation by replying with "JA", which I did and then they said "Lieber FONIC Kunde, Ihre Bestätigung ist bei uns angekommen. Ihr FONIC Team" (so they only said that they received the confirmation). This happened about 36 hours ago. I've no idea if the option is activated (I suppose it's not, because I think that another sms should have been sent to me) and I've nowhere to check this.

Because the guys I bought the sim card from sent an sms and didn't observe the instructions to log in online (not that it was their responsibility, but they could have told me to do it) with my phone number and a Freischaltungsnummer (which is written on the bigger card that I receive), now I'm stuck with this. The problem is that if I try to unlock it online, it says that in the last 15 minutes the activation was already started and that I needed to wait another 15 minutes (but it doesn't matter how much I wait, it still doesn't work).

My phone is functional, I've got service, I can call people, but I don't know the status of my option. I've read that in order to see that, I need to log in - which I cannot because of the aforementioned 15-minute error.

The only option left is to call them - but if I do that, I'll pay 60 eurocents per call, and that's money coming from the credit I need to activate the option. The minimum amount to charge my sim is 10 euro. So you can see how absurd this all is.

It's also important to mention that I haven't registered an address, only those SMSs were sent. I've heard that for Fonic you need to register with a real address, otherwise the card won't activate (meaning, probably, that you don't get service - which I do). But things might be different for fonic.callmobile, as someone from fonic whom I talked to on their site's chat suggested.

Can anyone help me with this? Thanks!
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123456 (Offline)
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Default 07-02-2015, 15:09

Maybe use the 040 phone number or the e-mail address?
Tel.: 88 800 (60 Cent/Anruf) vom FONIC Mobilfunkanschluss
Tel.: 040 34 8585 320 alle anderen Anschlüsse (Mo - Fr 09.00 - 18.00 Uhr)
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vinci (Offline)
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Default 07-02-2015, 23:44

Thanks for your suggestion. I didn't know what impressum was, and that's why it didn't cross my mind to go there. I had tried to looked at as many sections on the site as possible, though. I'll send them an e-mail.
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dg7feq (Offline)
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Default 09-02-2015, 11:27

impressum -- imprint always hold the real adress, phone number and email adress from any german registered company. This is regulated by law.
Unlike most US business-websites where you have no clue where they are, who they are and how to reach them

Germany: o2 blue all-in L, simquadrat
Thailand: truemove (phone+sms+wifi)
International: xxSim+372, toggle +44/+49/+41/+31
Phones: Huawei Mate7, Huawei P9
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vinci (Offline)
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Default 09-02-2015, 11:43

Originally Posted by dg7feq View Post
impressum -- imprint always hold the real adress, phone number and email adress from any german registered company. This is regulated by law.
Unlike most US business-websites where you have no clue where they are, who they are and how to reach them
That's exactly the feeling I've got trying to make sense of German mobile networks, but I've never had to deal with American companies (in America, I mean).

Anyway, having to wait a whole day for an option to activate - that's something I've never heard of before; and then, not having a number where I can find information about my current option, what I've used and so on... That's just silly.
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