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DRNewcomb (Offline)
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Unhappy Venting: Educating my relatives - 02-04-2014, 14:33

A relative of mine is going on a trip to Africa. They have mobile phone service with a US regional carrier that charges $2.99/min to roam where they are going and doesn't even list roaming data prices. I've offered to loan them my TelnaMobile phone to take on the trip. They are convinced that they will be able to use Viber to make free calls because it works for them in the USA. This is the type of person who is very hard to convince of something once their mind is made up. I see a train wreck coming and there's very little I can do to prevent it.
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powerlifter (Offline)
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Default 02-04-2014, 15:40

Originally Posted by DRNewcomb View Post
A relative of mine is going on a trip to Africa. They have mobile phone service with a US regional carrier that charges $2.99/min to roam where they are going and doesn't even list roaming data prices. I've offered to loan them my TelnaMobile phone to take on the trip. They are convinced that they will be able to use Viber to make free calls because it works for them in the USA. This is the type of person who is very hard to convince of something once their mind is made up. I see a train wreck coming and there's very little I can do to prevent it.
Been there and done that. Just wait till they come home with a $1000.00 phone bill. I worked for a company who went to at&t and thought they could throw a sim card in the phone and use it overseas. No calling plan just three phones. I tried to tell them they needed to be unlocked it went over their heads. I saved the day, because I had three unlocked phones to use. I brought them with me so we could have communication with the three of us plus our driver. One of the guys had an unlocked phone as he was doing business in Dubai at the time.

[size=1]Prepaid cards, Moldova Tempo, Kyrg Republic BiTel, India Hutch, Bulgaria Mtel, Vodafone, UK. Etisalat. UAE. Afghan Wireless, Afghanistan. Three, UK. T-mobile post-paid.

Phones Gsm Iphone6+
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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default 02-04-2014, 17:49

Originally Posted by DRNewcomb View Post
A relative of mine is going on a trip to Africa. They have mobile phone service with a US regional carrier that charges $2.99/min to roam where they are going and doesn't even list roaming data prices. I've offered to loan them my TelnaMobile phone to take on the trip. They are convinced that they will be able to use Viber to make free calls because it works for them in the USA. This is the type of person who is very hard to convince of something once their mind is made up. I see a train wreck coming and there's very little I can do to prevent it.
1. You tried.
2. Best thing that can probably happen is the phone not working wherever they are.
3. Can you have the 2nd person [you use 'they' & 'them'] sneak your phone and charger along 'just in case'?
4. You tried.
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petkow (Offline)
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Default 02-04-2014, 18:14

Originally Posted by DRNewcomb View Post
They are convinced that they will be able to use Viber to make free calls because it works for them in the USA.
Well I guess there's partial truth in that. As long as they are connected to wifi in their hotel or or even a mall that they are visiting or office, restaurant etc. then viber, skype or any other voip system is probably the cheapest (or free) way of keeping in touch with the outside world.

I haven't used Viber personally, so I do not know how its settings work but in other apps like whattsapp you can configure the network access method so that it does not use mobile data when roaming and then uses only wifi whenever it is available. At least setting something like that up for them will prevent bill shock. You may also be able to help them to arrange an optional credit limit with their home network. Once the bill hits a designated point say the equivalent of $100 they send you messages and then eventually cut you off.

Last edited by petkow; 02-04-2014 at 18:57..
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DRNewcomb (Offline)
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Default 02-04-2014, 20:06

I was just informed that "thanks for your concern but we're on an unlimited everything plan and I just double checked that." If they can roam on the Africa trip and they don't get charged a zillion dollars, I'm changing my service to Viaero. Fortunately I believe that they have not actually activated international roaming, so the big surprise will be that it won't work. I'm hoping that will be the case.
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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default 03-04-2014, 03:34

Originally Posted by DRNewcomb View Post
we're on an unlimited everything plan and I just double checked that." If they can roam on the Africa trip and they don't get charged a zillion dollars, I'm changing my service to Viaero. Fortunately I believe that they have not actually activated international roaming, so the big surprise will be that it won't work.
Well, I do not see 'Africa' on their coverage map.
That there are two
Viaero2Go Unlimited Everything with Mexico
'with Mexico' plans would seem to indicate to me that they will not be roaming in Africa.

If you could only get them to call Viaero and ask two question:
1. Will my phone work in Africa?
2. What are my rates calling the US from Africa?

If you could only get them to do #3 in my suggestions below in message #3.
Also they could ask if there phone will work in Canada.
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DRNewcomb (Offline)
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Default 03-04-2014, 11:36

Originally Posted by rfranzq View Post
Well, I do not see 'Africa' on their coverage map.
That there are two 'with Mexico' plans would seem to indicate to me that they will not be roaming in Africa.
They really make it hard to find: Viaero Global Connect
South Africa is in Zone #5
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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default 04-04-2014, 01:39

Originally Posted by DRNewcomb View Post
They really make it hard to find: Viaero Global Connect
South Africa is in Zone #5
Well, $2.99/minute will really give them incentive to test Viber.
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DRNewcomb (Offline)
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Default 06-04-2014, 14:18

Originally Posted by rfranzq View Post
Well, $2.99/minute will really give them incentive to test Viber.
But according to Viaero's FAQ:
Can I access the internet while roaming internationally and what is the charge per kb?
Not at this time, but this feature is coming soon. If your phone is Wi-Fi enabled you do have the ability to connect to a Wi-Fi connection where available (local charges may apply).
Of course, all of this is sort of iffy. The CSR my relative spoke with told her that she could roam everywhere for free. I suspect that the CSR had never been east of Omaha and thought that "South Africa" was a suburb of Chicago, or something. So they could get to ZA and find they have a brick. It could work partially: voice or data. It could work perfectly. They could be charged a zillion dollars. Clearly if they run all over ZA using their phone and don't get charged a cent, I'll be posting that information back here. Check back in June.
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andry (Offline)
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Default 04-04-2014, 13:00

shortcuts do best, and thank you for the information....

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