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0700700 (Offline)
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Default 24-02-2006, 07:52

sorry if this is a annoying people , but i couldnt find my previous thread !

well it seems that vodafone has added more countries for its business customers, but not for its normal ones: compare

COuntries available on a business contract (passport)

France - SFR
Germany - Vodafone Germany
Switzerland - Swisscom Mobile
Italy - Vodafone Italy
Ireland - Vodafone Ireland
The Netherlands - Vodafone Netherlands
Belgium - Proximus
Spain - Vodafone Spain
Greece - Vodafone Greece
Portugal - Vodafone Portugal
Sweden - Vodafone Sweden
Malta - Vodafone Malta
Monaco - SFR
Hungary - Vodafone Hungary
Albania - Vodafone Albania
Japan - Vodafone Japan
Australia - Vodafone Australia
New Zealand - Vodafone New Zealand
Czech Republic - Oskar Vodafone
Romania - Connex


Albania - Vodafone Albania
Australia - Vodafone Australia
Belgium - Proximus
France - SFR
Germany - Vodafone Germany
Greece - Vodafone Greece
Hungary - Vodafone Hungary
Ireland - Vodafone Ireland
Italy - Vodafone Italy
Japan - Vodafone Japan
Malta - Vodafone Malta
Netherlands - Vodafone Netherlands
New Zealand - Vodafone New Zealand
Portugal - Vodafone Portugal
Spain - Vodafone Spain
Sweden - Vodafone Sweden
Switzerland - Swisscom Mobile
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Andytel (Offline)
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Default 01-03-2006, 14:14

I don't know why Vodafone UK does not offer to private customers exactly the same as Vodafone Italy...
Vodafone passport for Vodafone IT private customers is valid in all the countries/networks you listed for UK business contracts, with the addition of Vodafone UK (of course, instead of Vodafone IT) and Vodafone Fiji (maybe you forgot it in your list or is it missing?)

Here, Vodafone passport can be activated for free and is valid until June 30th, 2006.
What about UK or other countries?
Is there any rumour of possible extensions after that deadline?

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andy (Offline)
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Default 01-03-2006, 15:21

Here there doesn't seem to be any time limit (or their staff aren't aware of one)
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Effendi (Offline)
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Default 01-03-2006, 15:40

Vodafone Italy - Passport Option

Zone 1
- Belgium: Proximus
- France: SFR
- Germany: Vodafone
- Great Britain: Vodafone UK
- Greece: Vodafone
- Ireland: Vodafone
- Liechtenstein: Swisscom
- Netherlands: Vodafone
- Portugal: Vodafone
- Spain: Vodafone
- Sweden: Vodafone
- Switzerland: Swisscom

Zone 2:
- Albania: Vodafone
- Australia: Vodafone
- Czech Republic: Vodafone/Oskar
- Malta: Vodafone
- Romania: Vodafone Connex
- Hungary: Vodafone

Zone 3:
Fiji: Vodafone
Japan: Vodafone KK
New Zealand: Vodafone

- Outgoing Calls to Italy: 1 euro, plus normal national tariff
- Outgoing Calls to other countries: 1 euro, plus normal international tariff
- Incoming Calls: 1 euro every 30 minutes

The option is valid till 30th June 2006; who passes to Vodafone with the MNP can activate Passport for free and with infinite validity.

Quite strange there are no Si.Mobile Vodafone (SI) and Smartone Vodafone (HK) on the list.

Working Prepaids: IT: Wind, Vodafone IT, UNO Mobile; SM: Prima; UK: 3, Virgin; INT: TravelSIM, Truphone.
Deceased Prepaids: CZ: Oskar, Eurotel; SK: Orange; DE: E-Plus, Aldi, Simyo; GE: Geocell; AM: Armentel; PL: Heyah, Plus; LT: Tele2; LV: Amigo; EE: Elisa; UA: Kyivstar; NZ: Vodafone; INT: UM, UM+, ICQSim.
GSM/3G Phones: Nokia Lumia 630 dual sim
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Effendi (Offline)
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Default 01-03-2006, 15:45

Quite weird that Voda UK lists Monaco, while Voda Italy Liechtenstein! The war of the little countries!

Working Prepaids: IT: Wind, Vodafone IT, UNO Mobile; SM: Prima; UK: 3, Virgin; INT: TravelSIM, Truphone.
Deceased Prepaids: CZ: Oskar, Eurotel; SK: Orange; DE: E-Plus, Aldi, Simyo; GE: Geocell; AM: Armentel; PL: Heyah, Plus; LT: Tele2; LV: Amigo; EE: Elisa; UA: Kyivstar; NZ: Vodafone; INT: UM, UM+, ICQSim.
GSM/3G Phones: Nokia Lumia 630 dual sim
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0700700 (Offline)
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Default 01-03-2006, 18:26

just a quick question to our UK based forum members.

Just got a vodafone UK prepay sim with passport to use in france and i have two questions which the vodafone customer services team (as usual) cant answer

1) Peak and off-peak time bands... will UK time apply or in country time ??

example: i am in france and want to make a call back to a uk landline... At what time of the day should i call to benefit from the 5p/min charge ??? at 7:30 french time or at 8:30 (equivalent to 7:30 in the UK???)

2) Also calls from my Vodafone UK mobile to normal french landlines (as in to access my calling card) ... they are subject to an initial 75p and then how much ??? does it vary with peak and off peak ? is it still 30p peak / 5p off-peak



what ive found so far
8. Daytime, evening and weekend rates are charged according to the time in the country you are visiting. If you are a prepay customer and are in a country where there is more than one time zone, you will be charged according to the time in the capital city.
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0700700 (Offline)
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Default 01-03-2006, 18:28

here are the links if anyone is unsure

passport for normal clients

passport for business clients

NO FIJI here... And Passport is indefinite.. its part of the Vodafone travel promise
Vodafone passport is not available in germany for prepay customers
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andy (Offline)
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Default 01-03-2006, 23:22

It looks like you answered your own question - local time applies

I don't see that Germany isn't available, and it would be nice for them to add other countries where Vodafone has interest in a network - how about USA [fat chance!]
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0700700 (Offline)
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Default 02-03-2006, 01:07

Originally Posted by andy
It looks like you answered your own question - local time applies

I don't see that Germany isn't available, and it would be nice for them to add other countries where Vodafone has interest in a network - how about USA [fat chance!]
but i got no answer to this one :wacko:

2) Also calls from my Vodafone UK mobile to normal french landlines (as in to access my calling card) ... they are subject to an initial 75p and then how much ??? does it vary with peak and off peak ? is it still 30p peak / 5p off-peak

I said the Passport in germany is available only to PM and not PAYG customers
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Eustar (Offline)
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Default 26-04-2012, 00:24

Vodafone UK
Vodafone Italia
Vodafone Germany

Today Vodafone Passport option in Europe, what do you think?

Vodafone Passport -UK
Ways to save - Vodafone

Using the Internet Abroad – Vodafone

Vodafone Passport - Italia
Vodafone accessibile - Vodafone Passport

Vodafone accessibile - Daily Travel Tariff

Vodafone Passport - Germany
Jetzt Vodafone ReiseVersprechen gratis dazubuchen

ReisePaket Data
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