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janyyc (Offline)
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Question Best UK SIM for data and int'l calls? - 03-11-2012, 12:04

I'm looking for the best rates, the best network, for infrequent use in the UK - probably about 2-3 times a year.

All recommendations appreciated!

Int'l calls to Canada and Europe.

CA: SpeakOut PL: Orange IT: Vodafone (2) JP: b-mobile data-only DE: Vodafone
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davidtheprof (Offline)
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Default 03-11-2012, 14:33

I'm back there two or three times a year, been using Orange sim on their Camel plan, which has cheap international rates. And when you top up, you get a bunch of free international minutes. Easy to manage online. And buy extras for 5 pounds, to buy 100 mins or 250 MB, that last a month.

Also have used Truphone sim, good rates in the UK, comes with a US number, and you can get a UK number just for a month when you travel, 8 pounds.
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janyyc (Offline)
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Default 04-11-2012, 00:33

Not so cheap, the Orange plans are... Probably cheaper are 3 and O2 - but which one has better coverage? O2 would be the International SIM - can you add data plans to those? (data "bolt-ons")

Thank you!

CA: SpeakOut PL: Orange IT: Vodafone (2) JP: b-mobile data-only DE: Vodafone
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davidtheprof (Offline)
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Default 04-11-2012, 18:10

never had a coverage issue in the UK with Orange (though mostly in major cities), and have also used the Orange sim in France and Iceland, now that Euro roaming is cheaper than many of the the global cards.
I have not checked out all the competing plans in a while, and they all changed in July with the new EU regs. Inertia rules, once you are set up for online management....

PS - just checked the Orange site, and the 'extra' cost of 100 mins is now 7.5 pounds, still a lot cheaper than regular plan rate. You get 60 mins of bonus international calls for a 10 pd top up, 120 mins for 15 pds. Data add ons have changed, 500 MB for 7.50, lasts a month, and 100 MB for 3.00 pds, lasts a week.

Beats Truphone for me....
I used to want Truphone for the US number, but I use forwarding on my dual number Piranha card for that, now...

Last edited by davidtheprof; 04-11-2012 at 18:38..
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davidtheprof (Offline)
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Default 04-11-2012, 18:10

never had a coverage issue in the UK with Orange (though mostly in major cities), and have also used the Orange sim in France and Iceland, now that Euro roaming is cheaper than many of the the global cards.
I have not checked out all the competing plans in a while, and they all changed in July with the new EU regs. Inertia rules, once you are set up for online management....
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andy (Offline)
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Default 08-11-2012, 15:55

It's a slightly movable target, and almost all networks have useful options for cheap international calls, some with more than one option per network, including their own and third party arrangements.

I'm not up to date with all the data add-ons, so I'll have to check a bit. How much use do you expect, a few kilobytes or megabytes a day, or do you want a data bundle option for a dongle?
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janyyc (Offline)
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Default 08-11-2012, 21:19

Originally Posted by andy View Post
It's a slightly movable target, and almost all networks have useful options for cheap international calls, some with more than one option per network, including their own and third party arrangements.

I'm not up to date with all the data add-ons, so I'll have to check a bit. How much use do you expect, a few kilobytes or megabytes a day, or do you want a data bundle option for a dongle?
Thanks Andy - I appreciate the help.

From my research the O2 International SIM was the best rate for calling, and good data rates too.

I need about 500 MB/week, but the more the better.

CA: SpeakOut PL: Orange IT: Vodafone (2) JP: b-mobile data-only DE: Vodafone
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dxy (Offline)
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Default 12-12-2012, 17:12

Then I think you need an international SIM. Basically it is a UK SIM that comes with extra benefits such as free calls abroad. O2 and Vodafone both offer these SIMs on their UK Sites
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