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akraus88 (Offline)
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Default New Service From - 29-01-2009, 16:27

I just want to let know all my dear friends in this forum about a new service launched by our company in New York, you can get a world SIM card with direct dial service with rates better than all competing companies out there in the direct calling market. There is no minimum consumption requirement like other companies, clear voice quality, coverage in over 220 countries around the globe, the SIM card is only $29 and remains active for 90 days after shipping or 30 days after last use. however, you can always reactivate it within 24 hours for a small fee of $4.99. We also have specific sim cards for many countries around the globe.
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Effendi (Offline)
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Default 29-01-2009, 16:40

This post looks just like spam to me... And it says many untrue things. It's cheaper to use my Italian card roaming around the World rather than your product...

Working Prepaids: IT: Wind, Vodafone IT, UNO Mobile; SM: Prima; UK: 3, Virgin; INT: TravelSIM, Truphone.
Deceased Prepaids: CZ: Oskar, Eurotel; SK: Orange; DE: E-Plus, Aldi, Simyo; GE: Geocell; AM: Armentel; PL: Heyah, Plus; LT: Tele2; LV: Amigo; EE: Elisa; UA: Kyivstar; NZ: Vodafone; INT: UM, UM+, ICQSim.
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akraus88 (Offline)
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Default 29-01-2009, 16:53

I didn't say that it's cheaper than regular post paid plans in a home country, however this SIM card is cheaper than all competing global roaming providers like, etc., and I don't think this is considered SPAM due to the fact, that I mention a legit and honest company that can benefit all people on this board.
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andy (Offline)
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Default 29-01-2009, 17:44

At least you've posted it openly, instead of your past habit of dropping hints and asking for PMs or emails.

I agree with Effendi about the rates. Any claim that this is cheaper than all rivals is pure fantasy. I think you've misunderstood or more likely ignored what he said about roaming with his home SIM card. In fact all EU and several other European networks have cheaper roaming in Europe than this. And probably elsewhere in the world.

$2.49 in Dubai. Getting an Etisalat or Du SIM would be better. And other roaming SIMs have rates there less than a fifth of that price; using callback is not inconvenient enough to forego the saving. Australia $1.09, ouch. $2.99 in plenty of countries. Being cheaper than Mobal isn't necessarily an achievement when their rates are often more than double those of their underlying O2 SIM card, which would charge me 85p or £1.37 in a lot of your $2.99 places. In fact O2 prepaid is maximum of 99p to UK from anywhere in the world it has roaming. I suspect an add-on option on Wind is one of the best for calling home.

Sell it to Americans perhaps, but I'd be surprised to hear of strong sales throughout the world. I think most of us on here will stick with a mixture of other roaming and local SIMs.
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bbob (Offline)
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Default 29-01-2009, 17:44

Here we go again,

On their website in faq for the product it says:

Do you offer free incoming calls?
Yes. Incoming calls are free with this package.

Looking at their rates there are no free incoming calls, most european countries cost $0.69 so around 50 eurocents. Some other countries like japan $2.99

It's no callback but besides that there is no argument as it's just to expensive.
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 29-01-2009, 18:07

Wow! Expensive is an understatement! No informed or partially retarded invidual would think about purchasing this sim. Every single country in the Caribbean and West Africa I am likely to visit is $2.99 incoming and outgoing. SMS every where is $99. Your calling and sms rates are evene higher than tmobile & AT&T roaming rates. Rates in Europe are at least $0.69. Top that off with a sim that deactivates after 30 days of non-use and will need $4.99 to reactivate it.

Good luck finding 1 customer.

Phones: Xiaomi Mi Mix 2, Samsung Galaxy A50, ASUS zenfone 3,
Sim cards: AT&T (Contract), 3 UK, Piranha Mobile
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akraus88 (Offline)
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Default 29-01-2009, 19:53

I am overly surprised with all comments here. We have "prepaid smarties" from all corners of the world commenting like little children with little brains. Like I said, we are not competing with callback sim cards that go out of business every year, and compares with our product like apples to oranges. The good thing about our SIM card for USA customers, is that our rates are 30% cheaper in most destinations from the 2 other carriers in USA, ATT and Tmobile, and all taxes are included vs. ATT, they charge $0.99/min. in EU, plus all fancy taxes which amounts to another 20-25% on top of the $0.99/min., and our rates are less in many other countries. So lets compare our service to Mobal or other similar deals. We offer postpaid on all our services. I hope this clarifies it all.
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andy (Offline)
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Default 29-01-2009, 20:44

Originally Posted by akraus88 View Post
We have "prepaid smarties" from all corners of the world commenting like little children with little brains.

For US customers, it may be cheaper than their home networks' roaming rates, as you point out. But some of them can find cheaper deals using call forwarding to local or global SIMs. For people in the rest of the world, their home network SIM can be cheaper for roaming, as Effendi and I pointed out

Perhaps you might consider a marketing policy avoiding personal abuse of potential customers.

We are not behaving like little children, we are merely observing that your initial claim to be cheaper than all competitors is unsupportable.

I'm re-reading your first post here, which you edited a year later, perhaps not realising that the original still appears in a quote. Thus we can see that you initially followed the old tradition of pretending to have found your company's website by chance. Do you still have the product with the bargain $210 monthly rental, by the way? And I see a banner on your site about free incoming calls in UK, outgoing to USA at 59 cents a minute. The cheapest UK SIM rates are 2p/min to USA at the moment, with several at 3 to 7p.

Kindly don't patronise our tiny brains any further, thank you.

Last edited by andy; 29-01-2009 at 21:22..
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prion (Offline)
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Default 29-01-2009, 20:50

Originally Posted by akraus88 View Post
I am overly surprised with all comments here. We have "prepaid smarties" from all corners of the world commenting like little children with little brains. Like I said, we are not competing with callback sim cards that go out of business every year, and compares with our product like apples to oranges. The good thing about our SIM card for USA customers, is that our rates are 30% cheaper in most destinations from the 2 other carriers in USA, ATT and Tmobile, and all taxes are included vs. ATT, they charge $0.99/min. in EU, plus all fancy taxes which amounts to another 20-25% on top of the $0.99/min., and our rates are less in many other countries. So lets compare our service to Mobal or other similar deals. We offer postpaid on all our services. I hope this clarifies it all.
Do you bill per second for the calls made while roaming?
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bbob (Offline)
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Default 29-01-2009, 22:24

Originally Posted by akraus88 View Post
I am overly surprised with all comments here. We have "prepaid smarties" from all corners of the world commenting like little children with little brains. Like I said, we are not competing with callback sim cards that go out of business every year, and compares with our product like apples to oranges.
By saying WE are not competing I understand that you are linked to this company ?

I have asked het mod here several times that compnies offering services should reflect this in their username or in their signature so everyone knows who is a user and who is a company offering products.

Now it looks like you are just a user posting here but by saying WE it more looks like you represent this company.

So please let everyone know here if you represent the company or are linked to them.
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