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Default Yackie Max - 06-09-2008, 17:38


... does anybody recognized their new hardware/software YACKIEMAX???

Incredible low prices of just a few cents per call. Does anybody have some informations about this new solution?
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bbob (Offline)
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Default 07-09-2008, 09:04

would indeed like to know more how it works as the yackie website is not real clear about it.

says it works with a local sim so I asume when outside your home country it does not work. just no callback, contract etc.

I can only assume they have e free local access number (like 1-800) in every country. The card sents a local id with that, the the access number recognizes that and knows which account to use. The chip just dials the 800 number automatically.

I can only assume this as the website does not say anything at all.
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amroe (Offline)
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Default 07-09-2008, 15:31

i will tell you about Yackie Max !!!

yackie max , work as sms gateway , it will send sms from your local sim card and Rings your phone as Call Back , if you travel from one country to another you should use a local Sim Card in each country , so The International SIM is better for sure .
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bbob (Offline)
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Default 08-09-2008, 09:48

amroe there system does not say anything about callback.

Also when it's a callback the rates are to low for that. For example ntherlands 4 cents meaning for those 4 cents it has to cover callback to a mobile phone and calling a fixed line.

In there rates is also says: *Additional local operator rates may apply

My guess is the sims is an automated system in the way that you just call the normal number like you do. The sim adds the local toll free 800 number before your number and a code so the systems knows who to bill.

My only concern is that some operators do charge for calling a 800 number even if it's free. That why they must have the: *Additional local operator rates may apply information.
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amroe (Offline)
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Smile 08-09-2008, 15:53

My friend i don't assume , i have it in my hand and i had test it myself .

Originally Posted by bbob View Post
amroe there system does not say anything about callback.

Also when it's a callback the rates are to low for that. For example ntherlands 4 cents meaning for those 4 cents it has to cover callback to a mobile phone and calling a fixed line.

In there rates is also says: *Additional local operator rates may apply

My guess is the sims is an automated system in the way that you just call the normal number like you do. The sim adds the local toll free 800 number before your number and a code so the systems knows who to bill.

My only concern is that some operators do charge for calling a 800 number even if it's free. That why they must have the: *Additional local operator rates may apply information.
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bbob (Offline)
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Default 09-09-2008, 17:32

Originally Posted by amroe View Post
My friend i don't assume , i have it in my hand and i had test it myself .

If it's an sms callback systems the info on their pages are false as they state no callback.

It also does not explain why they state: Additional local operator rates may apply. If you have a callback there are no additional local operator costs involved.

From the Yackiewebsite
8. Additional Charges

All rates are subject to change without prior notice and sales tax may apply. Calls are billed in one minute increments rounded up to the nearest minute. Billing for calls begins when you press the "send" or "talk" button (initiate the call), and ends when you press the "end" (terminate the call) key or both parties disconnect. International rates vary. Surcharges may apply for toll free calls. Please contact Yackie Telecom Inc with any questions about our services or consult our FAQ.
Why would they write:
Surcharges may apply for toll free calls
if they use a callback system ?
My guess is still the sim calls a toll free number otherwise they would not have to write this in their terms.

Their rates also say this:

From everywhere to :

FRANCE: $0.04/mn

If it was a callback system, this would mean that they would have to call a mobile french number, connect to a fixed line, all for 4 dollarcent per minute. This would wordwide be the absolute lowest rate for callback and calling a fixed number.

So my friend why do you think it's a callback and it sents an sms to a gateway. You tested it so explain how it works. You would be the first to write a review about it. It would be nice to know what caller id the called number will say.

Last edited by bbob; 09-09-2008 at 17:51..
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Default 09-09-2008, 21:41


... Jesus Christ, WTF are you so offensive?

Can´t you just make a nice conversation?

You also just referring, theoretical theories of how it could be.


... das System lohnt sich nur, wenn man in den Ländern in welchen man sich aufhält, die Einheimischen SIM Angebote nutzt. Andernfalls fallen noch die innereuropäischen Roamingkosten an. Vistream etc. lohnt sich also nicht mit der YackieMax.

Das dünne Plätchen welches in der Beschreibung zu sehen ist muß unter die SIM gelegt und das ganze dann im SIM Schacht platziert werden.
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Tobsen2k (Offline)
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Default 09-09-2008, 12:37

Hey Guys,
sorry ... I didn't really get it ...
Is this YackieMobile YACKIEMAX-simcard worth to buy ??

How does it exactly work ??

Is it an advantage for me to buy YACKIEMAX for usuage in the UK (as i travel to the UK 3-4 times a year ...) and the rest of Europe ... and I saw it has cheap rates for US-calls as well !?!

I'd use it with a conventional German simcard ...

THX - Tobsen2k
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bbob (Offline)
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Default 10-09-2008, 09:15

info from yackie:

Yes we can have a product for this scenario. Right now our yackiemax product works in CA and USA. Our next Gen will have 27 countries.

Matthew Eisenberg
Manager of Business Development
Pay Mobile Technologies Inc.
200 SW First Avenue, Suite 820, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301
Office: 1-305-728-4718
Cell: 1-954-294-4122
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andy (Offline)
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Default 10-09-2008, 11:17

I suspected it might be a dual SIM arrangement, and that comment may tend to confirm it's something like that. But the website really isn't clear enough.

Another company, perhaps even with the same supplier, recently launched a dual arrangement on a thin device like this, apparently to give visiting roamers cheap calls in their country.

In addition (I've recently discovered), the same company launched a product a bit over a year ago to enable a payment facility on another thin SIM-sized device . By coincidence, this was about the time Yackie started talking about such possibilities.

I might start a new thread about this when I've had time to look a bit more.
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