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ticex (Offline)
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Unhappy Wind Topup abroad (problems again) - 10-01-2007, 05:21


I'm still using my WIND sim everyday for roaming data but I made a mistake and missed the deadline to topup in Germany before the renewal of the monthly Mega-15000 pack by a matter of hours. Now my account is in negative and I cannot make calls to the 4242 line to use the German O2 scratchcard via any means. I've tried making topups on Mondowind with 4 different UK credit cards (amex, visa, mastercard & visa debit) several times but everytime within a few hours the transaction is declined.

I know it's been asked before but short of coming to Italy just to topup this card what can I do? Is there a number I can call to topup from a landline maybe? If this is possible I can maybe get somebody in Italy to buy a proper Italian scratchcard. It's a real pain as I really was relying on this sim on Thursday for a trip in Germany and I have no backup with me at all...

Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated!!

Thanks in advance.
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ticex (Offline)
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Default 10-01-2007, 07:21

Well, I don't know if I'm getting somewhere but I've been trying mondowind over and over again. The usual email I get about 2 hours later seems to have changed because last time I received: "Carta non accettata dai nostri sistemi." instead of the usual:

Gentile Michael,

l ordine che hai effettuato presso mondowind on line h stato annullato in quanto la carta di credito che ci hai fornito non appartiene all intestatario dell ordine

Ti aspettiamo ancora su

Cordiali saluti,

Servizio clienti mondowind on line

I'll keep trying and maybe somebody will notice!!
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AndreA (Offline)
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Question 10-01-2007, 10:38

The last email is speaking about a different name between the credit card and your account... I think that's the usual crappy

Anyway do you have a negative balance or simply 0,00? If you want I can refill your simcard with 3 € and then you can use a 02 UK scratch card.

My Phones:
iPhone 2G, E65, N70, P910 DVB-H, A835, 6630, 7600, 6210, S55, T39
"Working" PrePaids: IT: Wind, H3G, Vodafone, Tim, CoopVoce, Poste Mobile, Telepass Mobile,
Uno Mobile - CH: OrangeClick - RSM: Prima Easy - UK: O2, H3G - INT: United Mobile, TravelSim, ICQ SIM
"Deceased" PrePaids: IT: Blu - AT: H3G - FR: Itineris - ES: Yoigo - GR: Cosmote, Frog - HR: Tele2 - UK: Virgin, Orange TO: UCall - NZ: Vodafone - IN: Hutch - CAN: Fido - USA: T-Mobile - INT: Travelfone, CallKey, Globalsim, HopMobile, GT, 09, Mobal, Yackiemobile


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ticex (Offline)
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Default 10-01-2007, 11:30

Hi Andrea,

I've just tried 1 final time to topup on mondowind with the Visa & Amex. I expect it will fail within an hour or so as usual I noticed you're allowed to have an address in commune "Estero" now on mondowind so I updated all this info from the previous Italian one but it doesn't seem to make any difference. One strange thing is my orders do change in status from "Ordine in corso di verifica" to "Ordine in corso di evizione" but then go to "Ordine annullato" an hour or 2 later - they used to go straight to "annulato" before I changed the address. I have even called AMEX and they told me there hasn't been even a single authorisation attempt made by anybody in the past 36 hours on my account so I guess mondowind doesn't even bother trying!!!

It's particularly annoying because I was in Germany within 30 mins of the renewal and bought a 30 euro German o2 scratchcard but couldn't load it into the phone because of this. It's really a mad system Wind have that they completely block clients when they run out of credit abroad! I'm now back in Belgium but will be in Germany again on Friday - not that it matters as I couldn't use this scratch card I have even if I was there now!

Anyway, I think my account is actually at EUR -22,10 because the EUR 30 Mega-15000 renewal was taken when my balance was about 8 euro. Here's a copy of the last entries from

Bonus Mega 15000 09/01/2007 07.37.40 09/01/2007 07.44.47 7.500,00 € 7.500,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 €

Canone Mega 15000 09/01/2007 07.36.50 09/01/2007 07:44:47 -30,00 € -7,90 € 0,00 € -22,10 €

Bonus Mega 15000 25/12/2006 07.34.50 25/12/2006 07.41.27 7.500,00 € 7.500,00 € 8,50 € 0,00 €

Thanks so so much for the offer to put in a 3 euro credit but as I'm in need of at least 25 euro it's probably too much to ask. Perhaps I could send you some money by Paypal, bank transfer or however you suggest and you could load enough into my account to get it active again? I'm super desperate to get this up and running as I absolutely must have my emails when travelling in the Benelux and Germany this week and as I was expecting it to work the Wind is my only solution. I'll send you a PM with my phone number etc.. once I get the latest "ordine annulato" message for my final mondowind attempt just in case you can somehow help me out. I still feel bad asking such a thing and totally understand if it's not possible. Thanks again so so so much for the help thus far!! Just let me know anytime if there's anything I can help you with in return


PS: for amusement value here is a copy of my "ordine" list on mondowind:
Ricarica Rewind on line da 45 euro (40 euro traffico telefonico e 5 euro costo di attivazione) 12/08/2006 Consegnato al Cliente
Ricarica ReWind on line da 50 euro 17/10/2006 Ordine annullato
Ricarica ReWind on line da 80 euro 17/10/2006 Ordine annullato
Ricarica ReWind on line da 50 euro 03/01/2007 Ordine annullato
Ricarica ReWind on line da 50 euro 07/01/2007 Ordine annullato
Ricarica ReWind on line da 50 euro 08/01/2007 Ordine annullato
Ricarica ReWind on line da 50 euro 09/01/2007 Ordine annullato
Ricarica ReWind on line da 50 euro 09/01/2007 Ordine annullato
Ricarica ReWind on line da 50 euro 10/01/2007 Ordine annullato
Ricarica ReWind on line da 50 euro 10/01/2007 Ordine annullato
Ricarica ReWind on line da 50 euro 10/01/2007 Ordine annullato
Ricarica ReWind on line da 50 euro 10/01/2007 Ordine annullato
Ricarica ReWind on line da 50 euro 10/01/2007 Ordine annullato
Ricarica ReWind on line da 50 euro 10/01/2007 Ordine annullato
Ricarica ReWind on line da 50 euro 10/01/2007 Ordine annullato
Ricarica ReWind on line da 50 euro 10/01/2007 Ordine annullato
Ricarica ReWind on line da 50 euro 10/01/2007 Ordine annullato
Ricarica ReWind on line da 50 euro 10/01/2007 Ordine annullato
Ricarica ReWind on line da 50 euro 10/01/2007 Ordine in corso di verifica

Last edited by ticex; 10-01-2007 at 11:36..
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ticex (Offline)
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Angry 10-01-2007, 11:41

Well, as expected the last attempt was "annulato" too

It seems my rather large amount of attempts on mondowind has actually resulted in a more definitive reply though - maybe even from a human being. The rejection email said just this: "non accettiamo carte di credito emesse all`estero"

I guess this means they now confirm there's no way to get a foreign credit card accepted so I might as well give up.
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AndreA (Offline)
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Default 10-01-2007, 13:02

Originally Posted by ticex View Post
It's really a mad system Wind have that they completely block clients when they run out of credit abroad!
Yes, you're right... (that's the same of Shop3 ) is terrible and this deny to foreigner credit cards is without any logical sense.

PS: I'm writing you a PM.

My Phones:
iPhone 2G, E65, N70, P910 DVB-H, A835, 6630, 7600, 6210, S55, T39
"Working" PrePaids: IT: Wind, H3G, Vodafone, Tim, CoopVoce, Poste Mobile, Telepass Mobile,
Uno Mobile - CH: OrangeClick - RSM: Prima Easy - UK: O2, H3G - INT: United Mobile, TravelSim, ICQ SIM
"Deceased" PrePaids: IT: Blu - AT: H3G - FR: Itineris - ES: Yoigo - GR: Cosmote, Frog - HR: Tele2 - UK: Virgin, Orange TO: UCall - NZ: Vodafone - IN: Hutch - CAN: Fido - USA: T-Mobile - INT: Travelfone, CallKey, Globalsim, HopMobile, GT, 09, Mobal, Yackiemobile


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drjhf (Offline)
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Default Wind continues to shoot itself in the foot - 13-01-2007, 13:08

The "no non-Italian credit card" issue seems to be something that Wind really believes in. I had the same problem a month or more back, wrote to 155, wrote to Wind, received no replies of any kind, then finally had a call from a Wind telephonic agent who told me that I should get an Italian credit card if I wanted to use Wind. Period the end. I asked if they cared about non-Italian business, and she just repeated that I should get an Italian bank and Italian credit card.

What I will do is finish up what little is left on the Wind SIM and get a TIM SIM. If everyone did that, perhaps Wind would understand that having a successful business depends on having repeat business.
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Effendi (Offline)
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Default 17-01-2007, 16:56

With the Mega NoLimit outside of Italy now you pay 0.90€ per KB sent/received, which means € 921.60 per MB!!! It means that with your 3000€ bonus you get a little more than 3MB while outside of Italy... The new rates are available without the "mega" options.

Working Prepaids: IT: Wind, Vodafone IT, UNO Mobile; SM: Prima; UK: 3, Virgin; INT: TravelSIM, Truphone.
Deceased Prepaids: CZ: Oskar, Eurotel; SK: Orange; DE: E-Plus, Aldi, Simyo; GE: Geocell; AM: Armentel; PL: Heyah, Plus; LT: Tele2; LV: Amigo; EE: Elisa; UA: Kyivstar; NZ: Vodafone; INT: UM, UM+, ICQSim.
GSM/3G Phones: Nokia Lumia 630 dual sim
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Effendi (Offline)
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Default 29-01-2007, 11:37

Sorry if I didn't answer sooner, anyway of course it worked!

Working Prepaids: IT: Wind, Vodafone IT, UNO Mobile; SM: Prima; UK: 3, Virgin; INT: TravelSIM, Truphone.
Deceased Prepaids: CZ: Oskar, Eurotel; SK: Orange; DE: E-Plus, Aldi, Simyo; GE: Geocell; AM: Armentel; PL: Heyah, Plus; LT: Tele2; LV: Amigo; EE: Elisa; UA: Kyivstar; NZ: Vodafone; INT: UM, UM+, ICQSim.
GSM/3G Phones: Nokia Lumia 630 dual sim
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todro (Offline)
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Default I thhink I got trapped too - 05-02-2007, 01:07


knowing I'd have to recharge, I could not as I was abroad and the credit card was not accepted

I checked and the balance meanwhile is -9.xx EUR.

Does this mean I have to topup with at least 10 EUR from within Italy before I will be able to use a German O2 loop scratch card ? Or would be 1 EUR enough to "enable" the O2 topup (because of different balances and delayed alignement) ?

Any other way than travelling to Italy ?


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