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beerfestival (Offline)
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Default 22-11-2005, 00:13

I've posted elsewhere that I'm after a Polish SIM, but have also thought about a calling card to let me call the UK from Poland. I currently have O2 and will have Sami Swoi sims and I will need to call mainly landlines in the UK.

Any good deals?

Prepaids - FR: SFR; BE: BASE; PL:iPlus simdata UK: T-Mobile; International: SIM4Travel / Trupphone
Contract - UK: O2
Phones - Nokia 700
Phones in store - Nokia 5100, 3230, N70, 5500, N96, N95, 6230, 1100
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snaimon (Offline)
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Default 22-11-2005, 02:17

Have NO idea if this is a good rate. EZplan:

From Poland to
United Kingdom: 13.2?
United Kingdom - Cell: 36.5?
From United Kingdom to Poland: 4.5?

They are US based and I have used their services in DE and USA. They do NOT show individual call history just starting and remaining balance.


Phones: DASH V3 (3)
Service: US T-MO post paid (2) - US T-MO prepaid (2) - UM+ - TravelSIM DE SIMYO - DE SUNSIM T-Mobile DE
Calling Cards: Onesuite Enjoyprepaid AT&T MCI Mobivox
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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 22-11-2005, 19:11

Originally Posted by beerfestival
I've posted elsewhere that I'm after a Polish SIM, but have also thought about a calling card to let me call the UK from Poland. I currently have O2 and will have Sami Swoi sims and I will need to call mainly landlines in the UK.

Any good deals?
Beerfestival and UKSteve - I'll post you some offers.

Card name: Telepin

Debiting 60/60

Access numbers:
A: +48 22 331 79 89 (from any phone, it's a landline in Warsaw)
B: 0 800 033 033 (from landlines)
C: 0 800 800 300, 0 800 800 888 (from landlines, and possibly non-Polish Telecom payphones)
D: 0 800 66 55 44 (from landlines, payphones and Orange - even with zero credit!)

The fees are listed by card nominals

+44 landlines
............... A ..... B .... C ..... D
100 PLN 0,22 0,34 0,57 1,34
50 PLN 0,22 0,34 0,57 1,34
25 PLN 0,28 0,40 0,63 1,40
15 PLN 0,32 0,44 0,67 1,44
10 PLN 0,35 0,47 0,70 1,47

+44 mobiles
............... A ..... B .... C ..... D
100 PLN 1,38 1,50 1,73 2,50
50 PLN 1,38 1,50 1,73 2,50
25 PLN 1,44 1,56 1,79 2,56
15 PLN 1,48 1,60 1,83 2,60
10 PLN 1,51 1,63 1,86 2,63

There's a "permament promotion" to landlines in UK and some other countries:
"Talk 10 minutes, next 30 minutes free"

As you can see, it's cheaper to call access number A from Sami Swoi (0.24 PLN/min on top) than to use free access numbers C and D!
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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 22-11-2005, 19:29

Card name: Telegrosik

Debiting 15/15

Access numbers:
A: +48 22 330 19 00 and other numbers printed on the card (from any phone)
B: 0 800 80 19 00 (from landlines and possibly non-Polish Telecom payphones)


+44 landlines
A: 0,65 B: 0,85
+44 mobiles
A: 1,50 B: 1,70

There's a "permament promotion" to landlines in UK and some other countries:
"Talk 10 minutes, next 20 minutes free".

Card nominals: 10, 20, 50 PLN
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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 22-11-2005, 19:39

Originally Posted by snaimon
Have NO idea if this is a good rate. EZplan:

From Poland to
United Kingdom: 13.2?
United Kingdom - Cell: 36.5?
From United Kingdom to Poland: 4.5?

They are US based and I have used their services in DE and USA. They do NOT show individual call history just starting and remaining balance.

Not very good as for calls to landlines, but not bad for mobiles.

But there's one disadvantage - the access number 00-800-111-4553.
International freephone numbers are NOT FREE in Poland. From landlines (incl. payphones) it's not a big problem since 00800's cost just usually 11-12 (up to 20) cents per call. But from mobile phones those numbers are either unavailable or cost as national calls - 21-25 cents per minute and it's not any good deal at all!

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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 22-11-2005, 19:49

Card name: Telerabat

Website in English (but online shop is in Polish only):

Debiting 1/1

Access number: + 48 22 370 1000 (from any phone, it's a landline in Warsaw)

+44 landlines 0,35 PLN
+44 mobiles 1,49 PLN

There's a "permament promotion" to landlines in UK and some other countries:
"Talk 10 minutes, next 60 minutes free".

Card nominals: 10, 20, 50 PLN
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andy (Offline)
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Default 22-11-2005, 20:10

Originally Posted by Przemolog
International freephone numbers are NOT FREE in Poland. From landlines (incl. payphones) it's not a big problem since 00800's cost just usually 11-12 (up to 20) cents per call.
Ahh, at last I know why I couldn't use my UK calling card from a payphone in Poland - I should have put money in! I think it was only a bit more from the mobile anyway, 40p vs 33p - Era tak tak - but now I know others are cheaper ...
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Default 22-11-2005, 21:14

Originally Posted by andy
Ahh, at last I know why I couldn't use my UK calling card from a payphone in Poland - I should have put money in!
Most of Polish payphones (exactly: all from TP - Polish Telecom) don't use money for many years - nowadays they "feed" with chip cards only. 00800 calls use just one billing unit per call (named "impulse" here) which costs 0.30 - 0.60 PLN depending on the card nominal.

Originally Posted by andy
I think it was only a bit more from the mobile anyway, 40p vs 33p - Era tak tak - but now I know others are cheaper ...
What was "more from the mobile"? A call to 00800 or call to the UK?

BTW, as you can see - rates for calls to UK (and other European mobiles) from Polish calling cards are comparable with rates of direct calls from Heyah (1.70 PLN/min, can be done even better when using "10% more on each top-up) and Sami Swoi 2 PLN/min.
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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 23-11-2005, 11:48

Card name: Dzwoneczek

Debiting 60/60

Access numbers:
A: +48 22 326 79 99 and other numbers printed on the card (from any phone)
B: 0 800 051 051 (from landlines and possibly non-Polish Telecom payphones)
(corrected 0800 number)


+44 landlines
0,60 (night tariff 0:00-8:00 Polish time: 0,23)

+44 mobiles

No extra fee for using 800 access number.

There's a promotion "while stock lasts"
"Buy one card, get another one free"

Card nominals: 10, 25, 50, 100 PLN.
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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 23-11-2005, 11:57

Card name: Telebonus
Debiting 60/60

Access numbers:
A: +48 22 335 46 00 and other numbers printed on the card (from any phone)
B: 0 800 800 121 (from landlines and possibly non-Polish Telecom payphones)


+44 landlines
A: 0,23 B: 0,86
+44 mobiles
A: 1,21 B: 1,64

This card offers relatively good rate for Liechtenstein mobiles :
A: 0,73 B: 1,16

Card nominals: 10, 20, 30, 50 PLN.
50 PLN card contains 55 PLN credit.
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