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Fan1s (Offline)
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Default WIND simcard ITALY - help with Activation, prepaid DATA.. - 09-04-2016, 13:05

Hello, i am going to italy for 1 week, next week. I need data simcard. I choose simcard from WIND, with data 5GB for 9€. I think, that is the best choice in Italy, cause i need to buy it on highway or somewhere, where my bus will be have break. Is it possible to buy it there? I am going to Venice.

How long does activation take? I found on webpage, that i need 5€ for activation and then i need 9€ for 5 GIGA. What i need for activation? When i buy the simcard, i will already have some money on sim or i must charge money to simcard later?

I will be used the simcard in mobile hotspot. So can you give me advice please about this? I am from czech republic. Or can you recommend me some other operator or Simcard, which is good to buy it in Italy? Which is better and easier to activated than WIND? I need at least 1gb DATA.

Thank you guys!

Last edited by Fan1s; 09-04-2016 at 13:14..
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wolfbln (Offline)
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Default 10-04-2016, 18:10

There is an old thread on top of this category here, but the basics mentioned in the 1st post are still valid:

An updated survey of the 4 operators, some resellers and their data offers, you can find here:

About Wind: They can offer the cheapest data, but are the worst of the 4 networks what coverage and speed is concerned (according to net tests). As long as you stay in the cities and don't need high speeds, they can be still an option. Wind allows tethering, so hotspot use is no problem.
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Fan1s (Offline)
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Default 10-04-2016, 20:14

Thanks, i know.. its great page. So i dont know still, what is best think. Wind will be have long activation maybe. Still i dont know, how hard is recharge credit to simcard.

Is it possible, that salesman at a petrol station or newsagent help me with this? In our country i only buy prepaid sim with 5€ and i already have 5€ on simcard. Activation is already complete and i only send SMS to activate data. It is too easy, but in Italy not as i see ..

So maybe i think, best option will be operator Three.. i hope, that i can buy it in petrol station on highway and activation will be easy.
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wolfbln (Offline)
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Default 11-04-2016, 12:06

No. There is a fundamental difference between the Czech Republic and Italy. Italy has a mandatory registration scheme in place, CZ has not.
So you can't just go to a supermarket or petrol station and get a SIM like in your country. You can only do this in special places like the operator's stores and post offices.
Furthermore, you have to show a valid photo ID (like a passport) on your name. Registration is normally very swift. But top-up vouchers are sold in every tobacco store in Italy like bus tickets too.

Europe is split right now. In some countries like UK, Ireland, Poland, CZ, etc. you are still free to buy a SIM without any registration. They are sold all around.
Other countries are very rigid about registration like France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland. Only selected places for purchase a SIM where you need to register by showing your ID.
Some countries are in between like Germany. You can get the SIM everywhere, but need to register online to be activated.
Because of a possible security threat more countries may be changing to registration soon: Belgium, Netherlands, Poland and Romania are discussing a system right now.
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