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adam917 (Offline)
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Question Is there a way to auto-forward SMS? - 06-06-2010, 03:32

Hello. I was wondering if there happens to be a way to forward SMS & MMS automatically. One example I could give for a good reason why is if you have a SIM with limited coverage as most Americans who use GSM SIMs wind up having and you go abroad. You obviously can't get any messages if you can't roam. So is there a way to solve this problem besides giving everyone you know a completely new number for when you are abroad (a one that will likely significantly cost either you or the sending party if usage remains typical)?

Any decent solutions would be nice.

PS: Does anyone know about Google Voice SMS & how bad the tracking is with that? Do they log everything sent by SMS permanently?

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borjeg (Offline)
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Default 06-06-2010, 12:54

The 3GSM standard supports SMS message forwarding, but no operator has, so far, implemented this service in their system.

A coupled of years ago I saw a smartphone solution. They used a program that resent the incoming SMS message and acted like a relay, forwarding the message to a preset number.
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inquisitor (Offline)
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Default 06-06-2010, 14:53

There are apps for Symbian and Android, which can forward SMS, but of course you would need to leave your phone at home for that and you'll pay for the forwarding, which could become quite expensive depending on your operator's costs for international SMS.
An app that would forward SMS by eMail (and so free of charge) would be interesting. Maybe I'll have a look at that next week.

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adam917 (Offline)
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Default 06-06-2010, 20:09

Yes I have heard of them apps before & obviously unless I have an unlimited SMS plan and leave the phone & SIM at home and always running for the entire time I will be abroad, such a solution won't work for me.

I have a Google Voice account w/ US number. Anything I can do with that that's useful in this context?

Hmm I just thought of a solution that can apply to me but likely not many others unless they have a UMA phone w/ a compatible operator: use WiFi whilst abroad & the phone will convert the WiFi signal into what appears to be local service anywhere I can get WiFi. I heard this doesn't work for Canadian users on Rogers as Rogers only allows Canadian IP addresses but it does work for me on T-Mobile USA as T-Mobile allows UMA to be used world-wide.

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M3iTelecom (Offline)
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Default 12-06-2010, 10:10

You can forward calls, but you can't forward texts. Well, until now that is. This application will let you forward your text messages to the mobile number of your choice (number must be in your contacts). You can also send an auto-reply message to the sender.

Use scenarios: You are getting new service and you can't port number for some reason. Forward the message, and send an auto-reply saying "your message has been forward to my new number, please update your address book with my new number: (xxx) xxx-xxxx."

You are going out of the country temporarily on a business trip or vacation. Not too many places in the world where you can use your CDMA device. Put your phone on the charger and set it up to forward your text messages to the number you are using while you are out of the country.
If you are juggling multiple phones, you can leave your Pre or Pixi at home and forward your text messages to the phone you will be carrying with you.
You are in an important meeting and can't be replying to text messages on your phone. Set the app to auto-rely with a message saying you will get back with them when you are out.
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PhotoJim (Offline)
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Default 13-06-2010, 16:29

Rogers in Canada has an iPhone app that will let you monitor your count and also configure premium SMS services like SMS forwarding. You pay for an outbound SMS when a message is forwarded (subject to your plan of course). This feature was just enabled in the last few weeks and I haven't tested it yet.

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snidely (Offline)
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Default 23-07-2010, 21:58

I don't make use of it - but (1) IF you have a BlackBerry and (2) the person(s) you want to text also have a BB ---text back and forth for free no matter where everyone is in the world Of course you'd need to be in a country that supports BB - which is probably 90% of the world.

As for Google Voice, this is what shows up on their web site:
Google Voice text messaging doesn't support sending and receiving text messages from international numbers at this time. You can only send and receive text messages to phone numbers in the U.S.
I assume that at some time GV will have both fwding of voice calls and SMS to intl. numbers. (You can now call intl. numbers.)


Make use of T-M's UMA/wifi free calling from any place in the world with access to wifi. I use an LG G6, wife an S7)
A/o Oct 20, 2013 no need for intl prepaid as T-Mobile U.S. includes voice roaming at 20¢/min (in and out)., unlimited text (in and out), and unlimited data in 140+ countries.

My Plan -[6 lines] U.S. T-Mobile unlimited minutes (incoming and outgoing), unlimited text, fast data on each line. that $145/mo. total! . (In U.S. no surcharge for calling a cell.) If a line exceeds 2G of data in a month, pay $10 more for that line. [That only happens a couple times/year.
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Stu (Offline)
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Default 05-10-2010, 17:13

Google Voice also supports texting to Canada for free. Fishtext offers a virtual UK SMS number with a java applet which can receive them. Voxbone just opened up textable VOIP numbers and there may be a solution there.
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pvs (Offline)
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Lightbulb 29-12-2011, 05:34

I hope I am not responding too late in this thread!

There are numerous SMS auto-forwarding tools for Android (iPhone API unfortunately does not provide access to message broadcasts among other restrictions, so no such apps without hacking).

If I may, here's a plug for my app . PhoneLeash will auto forward SMS (and missed call notifications) to either an email address or another phone (as SMS). You can even reply to the incoming SMS, via email-to-SMS, or SMS from another phone, Google Voice, Skype. When I travel internationally, I often leave my phone behind at home or in the hotel room connected to WiFi, but have complete access to my SMS.

See here for more. Btw its free.

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Stu (Offline)
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Default 06-02-2012, 03:03

Originally Posted by borjeg View Post
The 3GSM standard supports SMS message forwarding, but no operator has, so far, implemented this service in their system.

A coupled of years ago I saw a smartphone solution. They used a program that resent the incoming SMS message and acted like a relay, forwarding the message to a preset number.
A China Mobile HK SIM I bought in November had the forwarding feature for text messages. Line2 offers virtual US numbers with text forwarding.
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