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andy (Offline)
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Default Simple Mobile - new mvno - 11-12-2009, 12:52

I found this, which seems to have launched mid-November

OMG! Simple Mobile

It has monthly unlimited plans from $40 a month. But says no contract, no credit check, and the T&C imply prepaid wth remarks about adding the next credit before 30 days are up.

Might be interesting for either long-term use, or for people there for a month who know they will make and receive a lot of calls. Needs a bit more research though, like what payments (foreign credit cards? or only bank details? or vouchers) they accept - I'd be cautious about a regular credit card for someone who does only want it for a month

Third party comments on launch range from guarded welcome to overt scepticism ...
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VladS (Offline)
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Default 11-12-2009, 13:17

Looks quite appealing, except for the underlying carrier they use: T-Mobile.

With top-up discounts and all, I still think AT&T's $60/month unlimited plan may be a better choice for travellers.

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adam917 (Offline)
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Question USA recent entrant - Simple Mobile (T-Mobile MVNO) - 16-03-2010, 23:52

Anyone ever heard of this company? This is not to be confused with the eKit/Telestial offer.

I'm sure most people in the big cities in the US are familiar with the 'unlimited wars' that have been going on over the past few years now, usually amongst CDMA & iDen operators, but now comes a couple companies doing unlimited for GSM (with one of them offering an OK data offer): Simple Mobile (and AirVoice for voice & text on the AT&T network). Simple Mobile resells T-Mobile service (even their 3G coverage is claimed to be operational) so this may be an option at least for extended-duration travellers to the US. Basically you pay 50 or 60 $/month and get unlimited talk, global (!) text, as well as 50 or 150 MB of data, depending on which option you pick.

It is a prepaid offer so you have to reload your account at least every 30 days. At present, finding reloads for this company can be a bit difficult but it supposedly is getting easier every month. They have been around in my market since roughly November 2009, I believe.

Remember coverage is limited to T-Mobile's native network (should be both 2G & 3G now) and has no roaming at all.

Their URL is OMG! Simple Mobile
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gsm, mobile, simple, unlimited, usa

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