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Hank C Burnette (Offline)
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Default T-Mobile Xtra card:a little confusion... - 23-03-2009, 23:14

Since 2003, i got a Xtra card "classic" with a tariff vs everybody of 0,39 eur/min.

I started to use again this card that was inactive since almost 2 years,(yep, luckily they expire no more) and i noticed that nowadays this tariff is outdated, so i was thinking about changing it into the "new" xtra card that looks quite nicer (0,19/min except vs t-mobile with 0,05/min).

My doubt: if i switch to the new tariff via the webpage, should my credit remain valid only for 92 days? If that's the case, as i'm not using the card a lot, what i can save with the new tariff i will anyway lose with the expiring of the credit... or am i wrong?

Thanx in advance.

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Motel75 (Offline)
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Default 24-03-2009, 14:21

I had an Xtra SIM, which I last topped up with 15 euros in August and changed to the Xtra Click tariff (the one you mention, 5 cents internal, 19 cents other networks) in September (cost: 4.95 for tariff change), and used sporadically after that. As I was mostly outside Germany, I last used it in October. When I switched it on in January, it wouldn't log on to the network. So it seems the unofficial expiration might be 92 days. (And it was an 0171 number - I was annoyed.)

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Hank C Burnette (Offline)
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Default 24-03-2009, 19:05

Thanx for the tip, i'll guess i'll keep my old plan (and my 0175) still for a long time...

Back in Italy!
Prepaids:Wind (I) Blau (D) T-Mobile (NL) T-Mobile (D)
Deceased Prepaids:1 Mobile (I) Ortel (NL) Orange (F) Lebara (UK)
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