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zikkut (Offline)
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Default mobiltypass sim, any more details? [merged] - 19-06-2009, 21:04

Just wondering if anyone has tried their pre-paid Data or Voice SIMs for their low data rate price in many countries (in Western Europe and USA, only $1.49/MB, except France and Belgium which are 10x that rate. This is similar to the perhaps temporarily defunct United Mobile's ICQSim data rates that were not even available in France and Belgium. I was wondering if MobilityPass was using United Mobile somehow, but when I called their customer service yesterday (June 18, 2009), I talked to a solid sounding rep.

Customer service in USA and UK: +1 360 843 1129 - UK +44 203 318 2615

So the company seems real, but I can't find any reviews on the net.

Anyone know anything about them?

MobilityPass local and International roaming Internet Access provider, WiFi hotspot, 3G, Toll Free, Dial-up, Broadband, wireless and mobile internet.
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bourbonkiller (Offline)
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Default mobiltypass sim, any more details? - 30-07-2009, 15:51

Since weeks there is a banner at this forum from mobilitypass Sim card. I went to their website and the offer looks very interresting, also offering Blackberry enabled Sims and sims with data service at a rather high but affordable price.

Are there any more informations about the network that issue's this Simcards? Obviously they have a UK mobile number but beside that, I cant find any news on the net!


Mobiles: iPhone 7+, iPhone 7, iPhone SE, Blackberry Priv, Honor 8, Lumia 950
Prepaid-SIM: 3 UK, Save Money Sim, Toggle Mobile UK, XX-Sim, Koko Mobile
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bourbonkiller (Offline)
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Default 06-08-2009, 14:22

for a product that is at heavy rotation on each page of this forum, there is not much information around here. Any news?

Mobiles: iPhone 7+, iPhone 7, iPhone SE, Blackberry Priv, Honor 8, Lumia 950
Prepaid-SIM: 3 UK, Save Money Sim, Toggle Mobile UK, XX-Sim, Koko Mobile
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skof9mr02 (Offline)
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Default Voice SIM sign-up experience - 23-08-2009, 14:38

I purchased a MobilityPass Voice SIM card based on their statements on their website assuming it is similar to other prepaid roaming SIM cards. But after completing the purchase and making few calls I realized that there are some facts that the user community need to be aware of.

First of all, they force you to sign up for a MobilityPass account - which looks benign at first. But if you read the fine prints (which I unfortunately ignored), you will see that there is a minimum usage fee of $5 per month if your usage is less than $5 in a month. They do not charge this if there is no usage in an entire month. But if you made a call for only $1 in a month, they will still charge you $5 for that month.

Second, they force you to have an auto-recharge mechanism that will recharge your credit card when your credit falls below $25. While having an auto-recharge mechanism is good for many, there are people out there who would like to just add credit when they want without having an auto-recharge mechanism. Also their auto-recharge threshold of $25 is rather high for me, and I would have liked it to be selectable as low as $5 since my usage is low. But the worst part is that you cannot turn off auto-recharge, which I have not seen in any other pre-paid SIM card so far.
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Dutchharborjohn (Offline)
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Angry My experience with MobilityPass - 23-11-2009, 14:58

I tried this firm this last Summer. It was a real bummer. Connection attempts seldom worked, but MobilityPass withdrew several hundred dollars from my credit card account.
Seems they turn on the meter even before you get connected to the Internet and you are charged 8 to 12 dollars per minute even if it's just waiting time. there are much cheaper and reliable ways to get Internet access when on the road.
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