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moua (Offline)
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Default 17-03-2006, 20:04

International sim are great but the one wich call you must pay an international call,
and i can cost a lot for him, especially from standard gsm or landline without plan.

So, does anyone here use a call forward ?
I use voipbuster to my french mobile, i have a local french landline number (they have other country also).
It cost 18~20 cents/min to call/forward a liechtenstein/UK mobile.

The number and service is free but you must top up (10?) at least once/120 days
However, you need to use their software to enable/disable/set call forward (not always possible from a cybercaf?)

I think it's a great way to be called for near free by the caller, instead of paying an expensive international call.

I can also be used if you use a classic prepaid card, just change the number fowarding to. You always keep the same number for your caller.
However caller ID don't work anymore (you see your landline phone #, if you see it).

I used skypein+skypeout but you need to wait 20 secs ring before call fowarding start. add at least 10 sec to call a mobile phone : most people hang up before you hang on
This is a know problem in skype forums since month, i hope the will change this (this is not a bug).

Does anyone have a cheaper/better solution to get this working ?
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snaimon (Offline)
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Default 18-03-2006, 02:57

Your are right about HIGH rates to call UM (and possibly other) international mobiles. From the US calling European mobiles is usually more expensive ($0.25 - $0.35) anyway versus calls to landlines which usually run < $0.10 per minute.

Call forwarding is quite elegant. Just have your family and friends call your regular landline or cellphone # and it will dial thru to your international mobile if you choose to set it up that way.

PERSONALLY, when I travel abroad from US, I am not expecting anyone to call me and I hardly ever give out my cell #s -- only work and family for emergencies. I usually call out to them.

I would hope other more experienced travellers would have other solutions for you, but I don't.


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MATHA531 (Offline)
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Default 18-03-2006, 04:43

So far my luck has held out with call forwarding...

I do want to be reachable when travelling and I do have the ability to call forward...

Up until about 2 years ago now, T Mobile USA allowed you to call forward from your T mobile USA number to foreign (non USA) number then abruptly that was the time since T mobile USA charged 29? US to call all European phones including mobiles, it was great and beat their asininely high rates for international roaming...I could also always call forward on my landline to my T Mobile USA phone so ineffect my home landline would go to my T Mobile USA mobile and then to my prepaid mobile in those countries where I had one (UK, France and Holland); at the time there was no riiing..

Abruptly they cut the service...I then tried Kall8 which gave me US 800 numbers which could forward to European mobiles for in the vicinity of 30?/minute so once again I was able to call forward from my home landline via Kall8 to wherever. The problem was Kall8 took a while to complete the call and callers did not wait long enough for the call to be completed. I was disatisfied with it.

Once T Mobile abruptly and for no reason pulled the plug on international call forwarding, it looked like I was up the creek and had to rely on kall8...then riiing came along and while I could use Kall8 to forward to the Liechtenstein number, it was extremely sporadic.

But I discovered that my landline carrier, Verizon, suddenly began allowing call forwarding from my landline to foreign numbers via my long distance carrier which is AT&T long distance...and believe it or not, the rate to Liechtenstein this way was only 10?/minute with a surcharge of 1?/minute to Liechtenstein mobiles (that is not a misprint) for a total of 11?/minute and AT&T ld is incredibly good...calls go through vwery quickly and very clearly...I keep holding my breath at to how long this will last given what's going on.

Enlinea call back service did give an 800 number if you signed up for their service and it was free and it used to cost only 12?/minute to call FL mobiles and that could be a solution if your carrier allows call forwarding to US 800 numbers at reasonable rates but abruptly in January Enlinea raised its rate to FL mobiles to 42?/minute and enlinea has not always been reliable.

Callback world provides an 800 number but unfortunately with a pin and I cannot program my phone to pause to enter the pin if I want to call forward.

Don't know how helpful any of this to you if you're outside the USA but you can have a look at enlinea, callbackworld and kall8.

I also just read here that one of the mobiles is charging something like $1.63 to call a US toll free number...that makes no sense as US toll free numbers do not charge callers but rather charge callees a flat rate to receive there could be such a surcharge is totally beyond my comprehension.
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Stu (Offline)
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Default 18-03-2006, 18:50

Callbackworld provides a personal 800 number for $1 a month on request. The rate for incoming calls on Riiing is $0.14 a minute. I know that Free is now offering unlimited calls to the US as part of its plan when you get a Free Box. Can you call forward to a US number?

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snaimon (Offline)
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Default 18-03-2006, 19:00

Originally Posted by Stu
Callbackworld provides a personal 800 number for $1 a month on request. The rate for incoming calls on Riiing is $0.14 a minute. I know that Free is now offering unlimited calls to the US as part of its plan when you get a Free Box. Can you call forward to a US number?
The voipbuster service he is using does NOT have US service directly.

I thought of the PIN2DEST with callbackworld, but that is only for toll free US dialing. I am not sure that helps out any. I would THINK most of his friends, family and associates would be calling FROM FR.

The only thing I can think of is if he can find an economical calling card for 423 663 #s. Then he could share that info and PIN with those folks obviously at HIS expense. There is a a deal on

cheap calling to 423 #s from a GERMAN toll free #. I don't have it so I can't vouch for it one way or the other and I am not sure what good a GERMAN toll free # does him. There is a REGISTRATION fee and a call setup fee, but the rates are < 20 e-cents.


Phones: DASH V3 (3)
Service: US T-MO post paid (2) - US T-MO prepaid (2) - UM+ - TravelSIM DE SIMYO - DE SUNSIM T-Mobile DE
Calling Cards: Onesuite Enjoyprepaid AT&T MCI Mobivox
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moua (Offline)
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Default 19-03-2006, 06:36

Thanks for your tips.

Pin solution is sometimes a bit cheaper but not that great, the goal is to be transparent for caller. I will not have to tell him to call another #, even if i change my sim card/country.
Also, i can forget callback with call fowarding

The callbackworld Business Toll-Free Number for 1$/month is a great solution, and 0.14$ to lichtenstein is cheap.
I don't need a toll-free # howerver, a classic # is same for me.
Can i have my own regular US phone # instead ? Without the 1$/month fee if possible.

Stu : you are right, i have "Free" ISP and i can call/forward to landline for free to many country.
I wanted to use another service because it cost 0.27? to lichtenstein from freebox (that's ok when you use it just a few times, and when you see competitor rates like France Telecom ones, but not if you want to be called for hours and hours).

I just tried to call the free-toll # +18004713237 from my freebox and before the call i hear "the toll free number you have dialed is not toll free. It called from outside the united states, you will be charge at international dial rates. If you do not want to be charge, please hang up now". :wacko:
I don't pay for this call (since january) but i always heard this when i call US toll-free from my freebox.
It would be strange for my caller to hear that message, and in english.
I don't have this problem with voipbuster

For kall8 it cost 2$/month for an Washington local number and $0.920/min to forward to lichtenstein !
I can also get a Paris local number for $50 + $28/month !
I can forget about kall8.. but their website design is nicer

I don't find call forward service at enlinea, but their rates are higher (exept kall anyway

So if i understand, to get the best rate i must do something like this :

Caller-->--Freebox(my usual landline) in Paris-->--VoipBuster french local# (their server are in netherlands but you don't have to know it)-->--Callbackworld own (toll-free?) number in USA-->--riiing Lichtenstein # (and then roaming)

I think i will stay with something like Voipbuster with a single call forward and tell people to call it.
I can still forward my regular cellphone and my landline to the voipbuster # also.

Otherwise the latency may be too high and quality too.
And i don't talk about the time to etablish a call.

PS stu, i can call for free these country :
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Default 19-03-2006, 12:32

You cannot reach numbers in Liechtenstein (Riiing) with Voipbuster!!
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andy (Offline)
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Default 19-03-2006, 15:18

Originally Posted by moua
Thanks for your tips.

Pin solution is sometimes a bit cheaper but not that great, the goal is to be transparent for caller. I will not have to tell him to call another #, even if i change my sim card/country.
Also, i can forget callback with call fowarding
I don't find call forward service at enlinea, but their rates are higher (exept kall anyway
I think i will stay with something like Voipbuster with a single call forward and tell people to call it.
I can still forward my regular cellphone and my landline to the voipbuster # also.

Otherwise the latency may be too high and quality too.
And i don't talk about the time to etablish a call.

PS stu, i can call for free these country :
But I think you have suggested your experience, and others are comparing use from other countries. If Voipbuster does connect to FL mobile [I see the above comments by phoner 0043, and wonder if it's unreliable or impossible], and you have a French access there is no need to go via USA as well. The sister companiy internetcalls has good rates for FL mobile, but someone commented the other day that the quality was not good.

Enlinea does similar call forwarding to CBW, but from a standard area code number, thus avoiding the 800 warning that will disorientate callers. But, since their supplier's big leap in tariff it's no longer worth using for Liechtenstein mobiles.

Other possibilities from USA - both ipkall and freedigits will issue a free number which can forward free to other SIP addresses, or freedigits charge for pstn (17.5c to FL mobile, but not tried yet)

There are other VoIP providers that will issue free numbers in a range of countries, and some with good tariffs for a range of destinations, like 8.4p (= 15c US) for IoM mobile numbers. And if some don't have the best tariffs themselves then forward via a different one.

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TheMadBrewer (Offline)
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Default 24-03-2006, 23:58

Originally Posted by Stu
Callbackworld provides a personal 800 number for $1 a month on request. The rate for incoming calls on Riiing is $0.14 a minute.
I have been using the CBW 800 (actually 866) for about 8 months, forwarded to my US Cell when I'm in the states and to my Riiing number when abroad. Even when I've had some problems with call backs with CBW the 866 worked fine.

Whole bunch of SIMs, mostly dead, some still working...
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albino (Offline)
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Default 25-03-2006, 20:38

Does anyone know who is supplying the services to callback world or enlinea?

It seems Enlinea has two products, mango is expensive to call liechtenstein, but papaya is still cheap.
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