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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default My experience with Onesimcard. - 18-02-2010, 04:13

I have been very happy with it.
I got my SIM from them taking advantage of their United Mobile SIM card swap offer in early May 2009:

United Mobile SIM card | Free SIM Replacement Program

It included $10.00 credit. I was finally able to use it in Europe in December. It worked well. I also have ekit cards. Each SIM has different rates in various countries and having more than one SIM can give one a certain flexibility.

Some things I really like about OneSIMcard.
1. There is a link on the web page for sending free SMSes to their cards.
2. The cards have an email address:
So anyone can send an email from a computer.
Receiving SMSes is free so this is great. No subject is received on the email and there is a 160 character limit on both.

This afternoon, I set up the SIM for an aquaintance who is going to Asia for about 6 weeks. Hong Kong, Japan, Philipines, Vietnam and Thailand. OneSIMcard has decent rates for these places.
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OneSimCard (Offline)
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Default 18-02-2010, 17:18

Thank you rfranzq, I'm glad you have enjoyed using OneSimCard. It's always great to hear feedback from customers, both the positives and negatives of their user experience. If I can help with any support down the road just let me know.

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Sophia (Offline)
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Default 11-03-2010, 18:46

I received my OneSimCard in the mail yesterday and activated it online. I put it in my old K700i phone, which is a triband (800, 1800 and 1900) but so far, it cannot find any networks. My Nexus One which I think is a quadband phone, has the Truphone Local Anytime and that one finds Rogers easily. Not sure it is because we are in rural Canada, I guess the best way to find out is try and pry loose the plastic case and swap cards I'll keep everybody informed Boy, this playing with sims is getting fun
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OneSimCard (Offline)
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Default 11-03-2010, 19:13

Hi Sophia,

You will likely need to use the GSM 850 band if you are in a rural area. GSM 1900 is primarily for urban areas. Let us know how it works in your Nexus One.

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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default Looking forward to updates. - 11-03-2010, 20:42

Originally Posted by Sophia View Post
I guess the best way to find out is try and pry loose the plastic case and swap cards I'll keep everybody informed Boy, this playing with sims is getting fun
Well, the next step is to get a dual SIM phone.

I know you have [at least] two international SIMs now. This will give you some options [and backup] that one card could not have. Also, 'one will be better' than the other in various situations and you will at least know you are saving some money in different situations--even if it is still too much or not much saved.
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Sophia (Offline)
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Default 11-03-2010, 21:16

I got 2 sims, I ordered the Truphone after Celtrek went belly up, and then I traded the Celtrek sim for the OneSimCard because I had nothing to lose anyway That is enough, one can be used by my hubby and the other by myself, both will do fine.

And I don't think I can quite get away with buying yet another phone, after spending $650 on the Nexus One, haha.

Last edited by Sophia; 11-03-2010 at 21:23.. Reason: spelling, ack
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bbob (Offline)
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Default 11-03-2010, 22:06

Has someone found a reliable voip carrier that offers good rates to call the onesimcard estonian number ?
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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default Good deal! and voicemail update - 12-03-2010, 04:02

Originally Posted by Sophia View Post
...and then I traded the Celtrek sim for the OneSimCard because I had nothing to lose anyway
Best $0.0 you ever spent! [Loonie or greenback]

And here is some good news of the last month or so:
New Toll Free access number for customers in the U.S. or Canada to retrieve voicemail for free: 1-866-703-4770.
And here is the bad news:
First you need to call to the voicemail from your OneSimCard phone and set up a password.
At least in Canada you will not spend half your free balance setting up voicemail. I just had an opportunity to send the SIM with someone on a trip and asked that they set up voicemail on it.
And you can always use SMS.
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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default common local and personal access number questions. - 12-03-2010, 04:21

Originally Posted by OneSimCard View Post
If you are a OneSimCard customer then you can give out our common local or toll free access numbers found in the user guide (or order a personal access number) to your friends, family, colleagues, etc. Numbers are currently available in the U.S., Canada, U.K., Germany, France, Spain, Austria, Australia and Israel. People can call your Estonian mobile number this way and the cost is just charged to your OneSimCard account at 35c/min.
1. How much is a personal access number both US and Canada]? Is there a choice of area codes or are they pretty limited [all in Massachusetts]?

2. I guess I know the answer to this one. From the US one can call the toll free access number or the local access number [and a personal access number] all for the same 35c/min. I know the price/cost difference is tiny [no more than 2 cents perhaps?]. Is there no way to have some price difference show itself? Not worth the effort? I know I would try to save some cents here of there [that is, choose to use a local access number over the toll free one].
Thanks for being here.
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powerlifter (Offline)
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Default 12-03-2010, 15:19

Originally Posted by rfranzq View Post
1. How much is a personal access number both US and Canada]? Is there a choice of area codes or are they pretty limited [all in Massachusetts]?

2. I guess I know the answer to this one. From the US one can call the toll free access number or the local access number [and a personal access number] all for the same 35c/min. I know the price/cost difference is tiny [no more than 2 cents perhaps?]. Is there no way to have some price difference show itself? Not worth the effort? I know I would try to save some cents here of there [that is, choose to use a local access number over the toll free one].
Thanks for being here.
Several years ago I used a International roaming card. It was a Hop card. It went bankrupt and I lost over $100.00 of credit. Lesson learned. Now I use a local sim card. When I saw the .35 cents for a personal access number it reminded me of Hop. I have a 866 number that I can send to any sim card in the world. It is $2.00 a month and .6 cents a minute to call anywhere in Europe. What a huge profit for onesim. I have the number on my business card. So anyone can call me if they need to get a hold of me. All I have to do is go online an redirect the number to the sim I am using. Very simple and efficient. There are many companies that do this, and they have toll free numbers in many countries. I am through with International sims. They are to expensive,and the local sims in the EU are cheap now for roaming.

[size=1]Prepaid cards, Moldova Tempo, Kyrg Republic BiTel, India Hutch, Bulgaria Mtel, Vodafone, UK. Etisalat. UAE. Afghan Wireless, Afghanistan. Three, UK. T-mobile post-paid.

Phones Gsm Iphone6+
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