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greygooser (Offline)
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Default Prepaid Data Roaming in Europe - 07-08-2012, 02:36

Hello all-
I'm heading to several countries in Europe, I am hoping to find the "right" data SIM for my needs. I will use it for "out and about" data, such as maps, some google searches, and the occasional facebook check-in. I will have wifi at each place I stay, so the heavy downloads can happen there. I really have no need for calling/SMS. Here's where I'm going:

Tallinn, Estonia
Riga, Latvia
Warsaw, Poland
Budapest, Hungary
Bucharest, Romania
Thessaloniki, Greece
Athens, Greece

I'll be in each place for 2-3 nights. I'd like to have a SIM that I can receive here in the USA before I leave. I'd prefer not to have to switch to a different SIM during the trip.
Given this, I've narrowed down my options to 2: the Telestial Passport Lite, which has just a $4.50 upfront cost from Amazon, but the downside is I'd be forced to get a new SIM when I arrive in Greece, as the rates skyrocket from that of other countries I'm travelling to.

The other option that I've considered is Roamline. A higher upfront cost, but they seem to be well regarded on this site and provide a low rate throughout my trip.

I'm hoping to get some feedback, maybe with an option I am unaware of. Any advice, thoughts or opinions are welcome. Thanks in advance!

Edit to add device: Factory unlocked iPhone 4S. Microsim would be preferred, but I can cut it if necessary.
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davidtheprof (Offline)
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Default 07-08-2012, 13:29

all EU countries, so Roamline seems like the best bet if you don't want to make calls (or via VOIP using data).
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greygooser (Offline)
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Default 07-08-2012, 22:52

Originally Posted by davidtheprof View Post
all EU countries, so Roamline seems like the best bet if you don't want to make calls (or via VOIP using data).
Thanks. One thing I'm not sure of is the cost to keep the SIM card active. I travel there once per/year, I'd rather not have to buy a new one each time.
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davidtheprof (Offline)
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Default 08-08-2012, 12:34

check their website,
I've got an Abroadband sim, and it doesn't expire, also for occasional travel, and I think Roamline is the same. Roamline is cheaper, but inertia rules for now!
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tux (Offline)
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Default 09-08-2012, 15:52

Roamline sims doesn't expire, as it's a postpaid contract (without binding), just like Abroadband sim.
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greygooser (Offline)
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Default 10-08-2012, 17:03

thanks for the input guys. ordered one today, should make the trip much more enjoyable.
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aaircrew (Offline)
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Thumbs down aBroadband - 12-08-2012, 20:11

As an existing aBroadband user I can definitely advise against using them. Their customer service is appalling. Also, they will debit you €60 after you activate your sim as a "security" deposit. They don't inform you of this at the time.

Finally, their service is next to useless unless you don't mind the waiting for your data to arrive by 2G. I use a Huawei E586 MiFi and I can never get anything but 2G connection, even in the centre of cities such as New York or London. If I set up the settings to accept 3G only, it doesn't even connect.

I've just cancelled my contract with aBroadband because of their poor customer service and next to useless 2G service. My advice is to seek a better data provider. Currently looking at RoamLine.
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DRNewcomb (Offline)
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Default 12-08-2012, 23:35

You might also take a look at Boingo Mobile. If your device is supported and your destination has a lot of WiFi hotspots it can help minimize your need for cellular data.
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kuba.g (Offline)
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Default 19-08-2012, 12:43

Originally Posted by aaircrew View Post
As an existing aBroadband user I can definitely advise against using them. Their customer service is appalling. Also, they will debit you €60 after you activate your sim as a "security" deposit. They don't inform you of this at the time.

Finally, their service is next to useless unless you don't mind the waiting for your data to arrive by 2G. I use a Huawei E586 MiFi and I can never get anything but 2G connection, even in the centre of cities such as New York or London. If I set up the settings to accept 3G only, it doesn't even connect.

I've just cancelled my contract with aBroadband because of their poor customer service and next to useless 2G service. My advice is to seek a better data provider. Currently looking at RoamLine.
Strange, I didn't have any of these problems. No security deposit (perhaps because I selected PayPal instead of a credit card?), no problems with 3G connection at full speed in the countries that I used it - The Netherlands, Belarus, Serbia, Bulgaria and Russia.

You can also check our Abroadband topic -

Mobile internet sim cards:
INT: abroadband, NL: Simyo, *bliep, BE: Colruyt Mobile, MEDIONmobile, LUX: Orange, PL: mBank Mobile,
DE: Congstar, MEDIONmobile, IE: Vodafone, CH: OK Mobil, SwissCom, SE: Telia, ES: MásMovil,
GR: Cosmote, IT: TIM, RO: Vodafone, RS: mt:s, BY: Privet, UA: Kievstar, MD: Moldcell

Feel free to consult me about sim cards in the Benelux and Poland.
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fsotirop (Offline)
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Default 19-08-2012, 12:53

don't use abroadband, better choose roamline.
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