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pronto5703 (Offline)
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Default to 1 fixed nr spain - 30-05-2010, 21:09

needed a cheap solution for calling to one fixed number in and from spain.

Its a betamax login number which i normally dont need because i use sip. But when no internet available i need to call this fixed number first.

About 12 calls a month which are approximatly takes 20 to 30 min each.

I found as the best solution vodafone prepaid with the 90x1 option.
Or mi preferido from movistar.

Alle the options the providers have to call unlimited to fixed for 9 eur a month is to expensive. I dont make that lot off calls..

I live in a hotel with expensive rates so thats no option.
Maybe a phone boot or is one from the mentioned one better?

Or a mobile internet solution but thats is more expensive than what i will pay by the vodafone option i guess.
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petkow (Offline)
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Default 31-05-2010, 10:41

I am a bit confused by what you are asking so let me just confirm that you are just looking for a cheap way of calling one of the Betamax local access numbers in Madrid?

First however, tell me how much you pay with the Vodafone 90x1 or Movistar for your 20min calls? Then I can tell you if there is anything that is cheaper.

Personally, I tend to use SIP over UMTS, as I get very cheap data supplied through Simyo. However, if I do not have good 3G or 3.5G coverage, I use the Java Voipclient from Betamax. This will get charged as 2 separate one way calls at Betamax rates. The cheapest one-way rate back to any Spanish prepaid mobile is 5c/min with You will also need to transmit a few kilobytes of data to set up the call. (There are several prepaid SIM's in Spain like masMovil which will give you a very cheap data rate for this).

A callback via the Voipclient to a prepaid Spanish SIM is generally cheaper than most of the outward voice rates to Spanish fixed numbers from most of the prepaid operators here, especially when you consider that Spanish operators charge you a very high connection charge.

However, if you live in a hotel, does your room phone allow incoming calls? Do these go via the reception or does your room have a direct inward number? If so, you can configure one side of the Betamax Voipclient to call your fixed hotel number. As Spain fixed lines are a free destination on all Betamax brands, you can then call any other free destination at a total of 0c/min. You will only need to pay the 5c connection charge (if your Betamax brand has it) and of course you will also have to pay the few cents to your mobile provider for the data trigger.
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pronto5703 (Offline)
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Default 02-06-2010, 13:11

Correct it's for calling the Betamax access number.

For the Vodafone 90x1 i pay (0.38+0.15)=0,53 for max. 90 min.
Movistar: 0,15 setup + 0,012/min. 20 min. = 0,39
But for Movistar I'm not sure if I can choose a fixed number for mi favorito.

The line in my room goes via reception. I thought about that solution also already..

I think a UMTS with SIP solution is the cheapest. The cheapest one I can find is Masmovil.
2x512kB it's enough to call aprox. 20 min. due I have set the lowest codec.
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petkow (Offline)
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Default 02-06-2010, 15:16

Originally Posted by pronto5703 View Post
For the Vodafone 90x1 i pay (0.38+0.15)=0,53 for max. 90 min.
Movistar: 0,15 setup + 0,012/min. 20 min. = 0,39
But for Movistar I'm not sure if I can choose a fixed number for mi favorito.
You're right that mi favorito is only for calling another Movistar mobile:
"Mi Favorito:
Con Mi Favorito tienes una tarifa reducida para las llamadas, mensajes de texto, mensajes multimedia y videollamada con el número movistar que elijas."

However, the Vodafone Vitamina 90x1 is decent, but only for a long call. For short calls (such as when the line is engaged) it is expensive.

The line in my room goes via reception. I thought about that solution also already..
Sometimes you can find a payphone which receives incoming calls. The number will be printed in the cabin. You can then set up the Java client to make a call that way.

I think a UMTS with SIP solution is the cheapest. The cheapest one I can find is Masmovil.
2x512kB it's enough to call aprox. 20 min. due I have set the lowest codec.
I agree, but I am not sure if a codec at 1MB for 20mins is feasible in terms of call quality. By the way, how do you set that up on a Nokia? In one place I sometimes make calls in, the upload speed is not sufficient for SIP. Perhaps with your trick it may be good enough.
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inquisitor (Offline)
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Default 02-06-2010, 15:32

Originally Posted by petkow View Post
By the way, how do you set that up on a Nokia?
There's the "SIP VoIP Settings Application" from Nokia, which allows setting audio codecs.

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petkow (Offline)
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Default 02-06-2010, 15:41

Originally Posted by inquisitor View Post
There's the "SIP VoIP Settings Application" from Nokia, which allows setting audio codecs.
Thanks Inquisitor! I will try that.
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pronto5703 (Offline)
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Default 05-06-2010, 22:52

I decide to go for cheap 3g rates with Simyo or Masmovil.

Simyo charge in blocks of 256kb, Masmovil in blocks of 512kb. So I prefer Simyo.

But when I want to order, the Simyo site don't accept my dutch passport number. And I don't have a nif or nie number.
Can I fill in here something random or is there a trick or something to pass this field?
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petkow (Offline)
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Default 08-06-2010, 12:10

You have to make sure that you are opting for a prepaid and not a contract. Follow this link: and select a number. Then select "Prepago" at the top.

Then first select you nationality, and then select pasaporte from the documento field. Any number format will work then.
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