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snidely (Offline)
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Default 23-06-2006, 15:36

I was the person who first "discovered" Yackie and started the other long thread a month ago on May 25. It appears they are having the start up problems that are endemic to virtually all new companies.

Below is from their web site:
Successful launch - 02/06/2006 [Jun 2]
Yackie Mobile website has been online for 15 days. First batch of available SIM cards sold and shipped. Shipping should resume next week. We thank you for your understanding.

New SIM cards - 10/06/2006 [June 10]
We should receive a new batch of SIM in 4 days. Shipping will resume on thusday. Thank you for your patience.

Cisake, a representative of Yackie, was quite active here until 5 days ago. Prior to that he seemed to be fielding questions almost 24 hrs. a day!
I had waited to place my order until the link w. this site was set up - Jun 8. I have never been informed via email, phone or via message on their site that shipments were delayed. The last update, as shown above, is two weeks old.
I called this morning (9:30AM Eastern time). Someone answered promptly. I asked the status of my order, thinking he would need my order number. He immediately said "all shipments have been delayed until sometime toward the end of next week." (The end of June.) He said "someone from the shipping dept. should have called or emailed yesterday. Everyone will be getting a $10 credit for their troubles."
I did suggest that it would have been useful if we had gotten emails some time ago. I didn't mention that it would be useful, and quite simple, to keep us early adopters informed on their web site.

Most of us here are "early adopters" and don't mind (too much) suffering thru the early glitches of a new product. If Cisake is still reading this, I would like to inform him that most of us would put up w. "glitches" and start up problems if we are kept informed.

I am assuming from what I was told on that phone call this AM that no one here has received a Yackie SIM.


P.S. I was contacted by my credit card company a week or so ago that an unusual charge showed up. (Credit card companies do this if they see any unusual spending pattern or charge.) It turned out the "suspicious charge" was from the company Yackie is using to process their credit card billings. (I am not sure I should list that company name here on the public board, but if anyone wants, they can PM me.)
Most times if I order something using a credit card via phone, the confirming invoice will state on it "the charge for this item will show on your card as ABC Sales" (or whatever the name of the processing company is) if it is a name diff. than the company itself.

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khalisha (Offline)
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Default 23-06-2006, 16:08

Hey Mike. Thanks for the update. I was getting really excited about Yackie Mobile and couldn't wait to hear feedback on it, so it sucks that their deliveries are consistently delayed. Hopefully they'll get their act together soon. Being a start-up (especially one of that magnitude) requires people to multitask and deal with unforeseen problems like never before, but that's no excuse to keep customers in the dark. (Especially people in this forum who are first adopters.)

As for the credit card charge coming up under a different company's name, that is really strange. From my understanding and experience accepting credit cards through my company, no one does their own processing (unless they are a bank), but the charges still show up under the company's name. Cisake seems like a cool guy, and Yackie Mobile seems legit, but different companies' names appearing on credit card bills appears fraudulent. They need to change that so that customers and their credit card companies aren't confused.

Just my $.02.

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dg7feq (Offline)
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Default 23-06-2006, 22:25

Well, our local fuel station always showes up as "XYZ Electronics" on the Credit-Card bill So no worries. hehe


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TheMadBrewer (Offline)
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Default 23-06-2006, 22:36

Originally Posted by khalisha
As for the credit card charge coming up under a different company's name, that is really strange. From my understanding and experience accepting credit cards through my company, no one does their own processing (unless they are a bank), but the charges still show up under the company's name. Cisake seems like a cool guy, and Yackie Mobile seems legit, but different companies' names appearing on credit card bills appears fraudulent. They need to change that so that customers and their credit card companies aren't confused.
I've bought lots of sofware online, often from "big name" companies and they often will use another company for payments (like Element5) But like Mike said, they usually have that information on the payment page. So that doesn't bother, as long as the payment processor is reputable.

Whole bunch of SIMs, mostly dead, some still working...
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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 23-06-2006, 23:09

Originally Posted by TheMadBrewer
I've bought lots of sofware online, often from "big name" companies and they often will use another company for payments (like Element5) But like Mike said, they usually have that information on the payment page. So that doesn't bother, as long as the payment processor is reputable.
Hey, look here:
This is a fragment of confirmation e-mail sent to me after the UM top-up had been made.

"Your payment will be handled by Bibit Global Payments Services.
This name may appear on your bank statement".

And on my CC statement it's listed as "" with the place of transaction "Bunnik CHE" (where CHE stands for Switzerland, I guess) but I found that it's a town in the Netherlands, not in Switzerland . The transaction currency was EUR of course. My bank has never had any doubts :whistle:
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bones_boy (Offline)
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Default 28-06-2006, 13:45

So - has *anyone* received their Yackie card yet? :whistle:
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 28-06-2006, 13:50

I do not think anyone that has ordered Yackie (via this forum or anywhere else) has received it yet. I want to at least get a couple of reviews before I order one.

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MATHA531 (Offline)
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Default 28-06-2006, 13:54

Is there a problem here? I notice the guy has stopped posting responses here and also did not respond to a personal message I sent him...hope this is not another buytel situation.
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 28-06-2006, 14:15

I am a little surprised we have not seen responses from him here in a while. Not responding to personal message...I am very surprised! It just makes you wonder.

I was looking into ordering one for a friend heading to Europe and West Africa. So, I just had a chat session via their website, and the person on the other end, said they hope to get the already ordered sims in soon, and that should I should either hold off on ordering until they resume shipment, or if I go order now, it obviously will not ship out until whenever shipment resumes. I think I'll just let my friend use my riiing sim.

PS. I believe using chat session on their website is a way to get a quick response.

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Effendi (Offline)
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Default 28-06-2006, 15:47

I wrote to Florian from Yackie a week ago, he wrote me back 5 days ago (sorry I didn't write it here sooner) saying they had some problems, but the deliveries should have started from yesterday.

Since I still cannot see them active on my affiliation account I sent him another mail by now, and I invited him to write on this discussion and answer PMs as well, so that he can explain the situation better.

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