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svenn (Offline)
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Default Sims from other countrys - 06-11-2018, 08:46


After I read this I bought for me a Three UK SIM with 12 GB of data. vaild in Puerto Rico, Vietnam and so on. It is now 3 years ago.

Phone calls are to three penny per Minute. Thats the reason why I use the SIM for calling and Internet.
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wolfbln (Offline)
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Default 06-11-2018, 23:21

honestly Svenn:

What is this name-dropping of this or that provider or plan all about?

> You've mentioned a SIM "from other countries". But why do you post it in the Germany category? Is Germany a "other country" or what? Is it "for" or "from" other countries?

> Do you want us to believe Three UK is a good option for roaming in Germany. That's simply not true. Three uses the Telekom and Telefonica networks on 2G/3G only.
3G is not so well developed in Germany and has a coverage of about 50% only, 4G is much higher what speed and coverage is concerned especially with Telekom.

> Why do you just briefly mention this or that provider to be used, instead of really introducing your proposal?
I mean there are long threads here about an UK Three SIM card and its roaming optinon in the UK section.
There are many reasons for (price, accessability) and against (no LTE roaming, hard to reload without an UK credit card, no tethering) this option.

> So tell me: what is your suggestion all about? I really don't get it.
Yes, Three UK can be an option under some circumstances in some countries - under other conditions it clearly isn't.

For Germany, it can be only a good choice, if you stick to the cities and never go out to the countryside, and at the same time don't need high speeds in the city.

Last edited by wolfbln; 06-11-2018 at 23:37..
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