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Ben (Offline)
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Default Austria - A1 'B. free brietband' - Topping up - 11-06-2011, 18:02


Last time I was in Austria I bought a ' brietband' SIM card for just under 20 EUR including 1.5 GB of data credit valid for 12 months. It worked brilliantly, and was automatically activated shortly after I installed in it my android phone.

However, I'm going back to Austria this year. Although I should have loads of credit available, I am arriving on exactly the same date as the date I first used the SIM card the previous year. Does anybody know exactly when the credit will expire? Will it expire at the start of the day, end of the day or at the time (mid afternoon) that I originally registered?

My understanding of German is rather limited but as I understand from I can buy top up vouchers 'B. free bon' and enter the code and phone number on this web site to buy another 500 MB for 10 EUR lasting 30 days. However, if the credit has already expired at this time will I still be able to access the A1 site to do this, or is there another way to reactivate it easily?

I've tried to find a way to check the credit and top up before going back to Austria but it doesn't appear to be possible as roaming is not enabled on the phone.

Finally, does anybody know a convenient place to buy the top up at or near Vienna's Westbahnhof?

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9eor9 (Offline)
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Default 13-03-2012, 12:35

The top up vouchers you can buy everywhere. Filling stations, supermarkets, Trafiken (Tobacco and newspaper shops) a.s.o., PAGRO paper stores and many more sell them.

Or you use (Credit Card, Giropay and others)

Just check if the SIM is still alive when you enter into austrian network coverage. In general it is not possible to find out details about the SIM's condition from abroad if the number is not registered on the A1 website because the bfree prepaid data cards do not roam. Top up from abroad is only possible on the A1 website (for instance you enter the code you bought on as far as I know.

The balance is the same price as a new SIM with balance (20€ or some cents less), so don't worry.

Last edited by 9eor9; 13-03-2012 at 12:48..
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