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sid123 (Offline)
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Default gadget for downloading Grib US - 23-02-2009, 19:40

Can anyone help with identifying a handheld internet device for viewing Grib US. I have been looking at the iPod touch but apparently it's not compatible with Grib software. I mainly use "Hotspots" at the moment either from the boat via a "Hawking dish" or by carrying my old/heavy laptop with usless battery to Internet cafes etc. If there is nothing that allows Grib US are there any other similar weather sites that would work in a similar way with mobile internet, ie a quick download that can be viewed at leisure even offline. An added bonus would be if the device could be used for Skype and also up-date my rather aged "Tape collection" so avoiding guests taking the mickey.

Thanks very much
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andy (Offline)
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Default 24-02-2009, 13:03

I hadn't heard of the software, but it appears to be running on Windows. They mention desktop, and I haven't looked enough to see if Windows Mobile would be supported.

So I think there's a chance of using a PDA, but not sure (edit: according to their forum, no). Otherwise, how about one of those lighter laptops, so-called netbooks, with a 9 inch screen and weighing only about 1 kg, lower power consumption, and costing from under £200? You'd have wi-fi, Bluetooth, and could easily also either use a USB plug-in modem for 3g data or connect a phone as modem.

Some come with only a version of Linux, but Windows is also available or can be added; I'd go for a bit more memory than a 4 GB solid-state drive though, and if you want to put music on it too, you might as well go for a conventional hard disk drive one with 120 GB or so.

Another device I've heard of but not seen and used is called Pocketsurfer. Comes with data connection included. Might seem slightly obsolescent or not much in comparison to cheap laptops, but it might suit this use quite well?

As for other software or weather websites, I have a product which automatically downloads, which is airport/airfield based so is necessarily onshore. Are there others with specialist weather for sailing, I imagine quite possibly but don't know, or what the best weather websites would be

Last edited by andy; 24-02-2009 at 13:25..
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sid123 (Offline)
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Default 02-03-2009, 22:50

Thanks Andy for the advise, I think what I really need haso'nt been invented yet, after a long look I have decided to go for a Nokia Internet tablet 810 which is similar to the pocketsurfer, I will also take your advise and use my phone as a modem by hopefully getting a Greek sim card, I guess its more looking on this forum for help with that.
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