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frenchfry (Offline)
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Default 12-03-2009, 18:16

This is the email CelTrek sent, Wow they want me to pay for the sim replacement!

Dear Valued CelTrek Customer:

First let us thank you for your long term relationship with our Global Roaming SIM card. We do hope you have enjoyed the savings.

In order to carry on our service to you, improve, avoid past technical problems and provide more stable service, we have been forced to terminate our relationship with our past carrier and move to a new carrier. This has allowed us to add additional countries to our service, lower costs and finally have the pre-paid data service for your convenience.

The above improvements mean changing the SIM card you currently have, and as these SIM cards do have enhanced features, we propose the following:

1. All SIM cards that you have with us can replaced with our new Global Roaming Voice and Data SIM card for the reduced price of $10 per SIM. (a $49 value)

2. Airtime rates--now for 215 countries--will be per the attached rate sheet. Note the large savings for all our top destinations!

3. Your current airtime pool will be transferred to the new SIM.

4. This offer also includes free shipping in the US. (Shipping outside of the US is possible but will carry cost, cost may be deducted from airtime)

To receive your new upgraded SIM:
1. Please contact customer support either by email
( or via phone 1-888-5CELTREK
2. Please have handy the best shipping address for us to mail your

replacement SIM to.

Administration will deduct the $10 cost of the new SIM from your airtime and then load your new SIM with the remaining airtime balance.

We appreciate your continued business and support.
Best Regards,
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