I have a new Moto #L6 coming which should be delievered by Mon. I'll email you then and we can meet somewhere - we'll have to flip to see who pays the bridge toll. As said, you can have it in exchange for $50 check to a charity.
I am also the one who has had the Yackie card for a couple weeks, so can give you a demo.
Hmm. Maybe in exchange for all this you can buy me a drink
Way cool! If you can find a place to have a drink where they serve vodka, I'm game! Maybe Skates is the only option?
Looking at the lists of phones you guys have, it amazes me. Do you just buy 'em for hobbies? Or is it sorta like all the digital camera guys--just gotta havethe latest thing??? Do you
need this L6, or is it a new toy?