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KarenM (Offline)
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Default 19-07-2006, 15:52

Yo, guys.

You're all really great to take the time to help me out. I appreciate it.

Thanks for the model numbers to look into, Bossman, and the link. Are those models Motorola?

but you sound intelligent enuf to follow the directions for doing that.
Ha! I refrained from pointing out that I have a Ph.D. Only problem is it's in the most non-technical field it could be, so it doesn't do me much good on this stuff! I'm math and techno-challenged. :meh:

Telestial is a very reputable outfit..... The advantage is that you would know the number to give out before you leave.
That is one thing I'm completely motivated to have: I want everything good to go when I get on the plane with my phone, so, when I arrive at CDG to pick up my leased car, I can call my friend in Paris to check in, etc, with no hassles or techno-challenges to contend with.

Where are you located? If, by chance, you are in northern Ca., I'll give you a perfectly fine quad band Moto V330 in exchange for a check for $50 to your favorite charity. (As long as it isn't the NRA)
Well, as fate would have it, I'm in Fairfax, in Marin County, just north of San Francisco. Where are you? You can email me at kkmickleson at comcast dot net if you think this might work.

Matha, I'm astounded by the thoroughness of your response!

OTOH you can get a US toll free number which is your own for a charge of $1.50/ this case no pin would be needed. In any event, if you are using united mobile, you would pay $0.14 US/minute timed in 6 second intervals to reach you
Do I understand correctly: if I had UM with CBW, I could get from CBW a toll-free # for U.S. callers for $1.50 a month? ie: It's from CBW, not from UM?

But, once I sign up for CBW, I'm tied to this double call-back system, where I have to call and wait twice? Sheesh! This is all such a pain in the butt! God help me if I've had a couple of drinks when I call for a dinner reservation in Italy. :blink:

...united mobile to the United States through its naitive service charges $.49/minute with a $.35 set up fee for each call
Does this mean calls TO the U.S.?

The Yackie system sounds really good.

By the way, nobody has answered my question about using a "Mobal" phone with a UM card. Would this work?

Well, my last question would be this: Is there ANY system which would allow me to bypass all this ringing, hangups, waiting, calling-to-hang-up-again stuff? If so, what grand price would one pay for it?

You are all great. Thanks again.

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