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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 05-06-2006, 19:22

Originally Posted by moua
I've called them about this.

It's only 100 minutes free. Then... it don't work anymore.
That's what I supposed :P

Here is the full list of their mobile offer:

They have also UK & Ireland service - probably IoM based (similar to the International service) but with rates preferring calls to UK/Ireland.

There are also: European service, Caribbean service, Asia/Pacific service which are UM based (but rates are more "contemporary" - with many free incoming countries).

They offer also national SIMs: United States Cingular service, Australian Optus service and Canadian Fido service.

I was wrong they don't sell UM sims. The offer depends on choice of the "origination" country i.e. the selection of the "Service works in" list:
After all, this selection tool is pretty stupid by design since it includes very few countries of the available coverage of the both kind of sims .

And, finally, IMHO ekit sims are not "fully international" sims since they ship to 15 countries only... (yes, I know, rich and populated ones, but 15 anyway )
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