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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 27-05-2006, 12:15

Originally Posted by TheMadBrewer
If you are in Europe dial 00-1-909... to call a US number. Dial 00-49-... to call a German number, etc.

I don't know what to dial in the US as I've never used my Riiing phone here
The idea of the + sign preceding the country code is that you don't have to care what is a local "exit code" for international calls: 00, 011 or whatever else. "+CountryCode" works (ot at least it should) in GSM networks for all national and international calls and SMS sending to "regular" numbers. This "standarised format" of the number is valid in "normal" roaming as well. The existence of such a common number format does not exclude using local formats. I guess that's why 00CountryCode works in UM - simply it's an "international exit code" in Liechtenstein and all the Liechtenstein-based callbacks may work with 00 just like they do with +.
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