Originally Posted by Przemolog
Well, it's free market - all is worth as much as somebody is willing to pay
I checked their offer for Poland and I must say it's ridiculous. They offer one SIM only worth about $20 for $49. Moreover, whereas this prepaid (Era Tak Tak) is very attractive for long term Polish users, it's not so good for foreign visitors. IMHO other prepaids are better choices in practically all aspects of usage (national and international voice calls, data transmission, messaging, voice mail, calling special numbers) except for on-net Era calls.
And a "big deal": http://www.telestial.com/view_product.php?...T_ID=LPRM-PL01&
- $199 for Siemens A65 + global plug adapter + SIM mentioned above.
The new unlocked A65 or similar costs in Poland less that $100 and a prepaid SIM of any operator can be purchased for no more than $3.4 (and the credit included is 80-100% of the value). Locked phones bundled with prepaid SIMs start from $50 or less including $1-$10 of initial credit.
I think the main reason for the expensive prices is that you need a lot of organisation and business partners around the world to order all these cards.
And it seems that enough people are willing to pay for the convenience