Originally Posted by andy
The cheap calls back to the SIM's home country mean that you can use a calling card that doesn't necessarily have a Maltese access number, but one in the SIMs home country. So this could be of interest to US readers.
Enjoyprepaid would be similar rates.
30% of UK Voda POSTPAY have signed up.... So what is the total Voda UK postpay market share? I would contend it is still not many. T-MO US postpay does not offer such an option. It may be that T-MO Germany does, but I don't think it is available to their prepaid customers -- I am one of them.
Passport is available to UK voda prepaid users also -- for an additional montly fee, true?
I don't see how a UK Voda POSTPAY SIM would buy a US user much -- contact costs included unless one travels very often. I know of NO US firms that offer such an option apart from the grandfathered T-MO rates. Can you explain?
Clear; for someone who has UK Voda pasport.... call a UK local # from Malta (or wherever @ the low local rate on the Voda passport option) OR for non-UK international calls to a local UK calling card # (Bizon, Enjoyprepaid, etc for the extra fee - and usually, you have PAID IN ADVANCE SO THE COSTS ARE ALREADY PAID FOR) also at the low local passport rate.