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sec (Offline)
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Default 31-03-2006, 23:38

This is clearly another message like the ones that appeared in the past publicising a new product...

I found

Plenty of information on the tarifs: 0,50 outgoing, 0 incoming in most countries (poresumably 60/60?).

From there I clicked on the "middle east reseller" (Xfone) - probably the author of the post, but couldn't find any information on the nationality of the gsm number provided. :unsure:

However, one of the pictures contained in the pdf product descriptionshows a number starting with +44 762...!

My question is: why resellers, rather than just saying "hey, I'm selling a great product that you can find on the followign website..." have to write messages like this... :ranting2: If I am mistaken, I apologize with kaisersuzeh, but If I am right I bet we won't hear from him again.

My Phones: Nokia 6230 - Nec N343i - Nokia 6230i
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