Just to mention what I know.
www.voipcheap.com is 6.5 pence per minute to phone a liechtenstein mobile.
It can be a little unreliable, but is improving. They are the cheapest voip company i have seen yet.
09 had a few nasty technical hitches, but are recovering. The US was a disaster for them. They dont have texting available yet but perhaps 2 more months. They use swisscome for their roaming partner, and own their own switching gear, as opposed to the others who apparently dont, thus giving 09 the potential to undercut the rest if things get rough.
Callkey have the market at .. they have an incredibly flexible distribution system. Distributors love them, and they have some interesting voip services too, there are amazing plans in the future with these guys as opposed to united mobile who arent going anywhere and are making a huge push to say goodby to their distributors and go direct, lots of advertising. They have the best reliability at the moment, with good customer services (although when things go wrong for these roaming products ... nobody can usually do anthing)
Has anyone had a bill back from papaya yet ... in the rates it is 14 US cets per minute to call a liecht mob number, a little cheaper then callback world
Would love to know who the service providers are for these two companies , does anyone know?