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Effendi (Offline)
The great Dictator!
Prepaid Prophet
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Default 01-03-2006, 15:40

Vodafone Italy - Passport Option

Zone 1
- Belgium: Proximus
- France: SFR
- Germany: Vodafone
- Great Britain: Vodafone UK
- Greece: Vodafone
- Ireland: Vodafone
- Liechtenstein: Swisscom
- Netherlands: Vodafone
- Portugal: Vodafone
- Spain: Vodafone
- Sweden: Vodafone
- Switzerland: Swisscom

Zone 2:
- Albania: Vodafone
- Australia: Vodafone
- Czech Republic: Vodafone/Oskar
- Malta: Vodafone
- Romania: Vodafone Connex
- Hungary: Vodafone

Zone 3:
Fiji: Vodafone
Japan: Vodafone KK
New Zealand: Vodafone

- Outgoing Calls to Italy: 1 euro, plus normal national tariff
- Outgoing Calls to other countries: 1 euro, plus normal international tariff
- Incoming Calls: 1 euro every 30 minutes

The option is valid till 30th June 2006; who passes to Vodafone with the MNP can activate Passport for free and with infinite validity.

Quite strange there are no Si.Mobile Vodafone (SI) and Smartone Vodafone (HK) on the list.

Working Prepaids: IT: Wind, Vodafone IT, UNO Mobile; SM: Prima; UK: 3, Virgin; INT: TravelSIM, Truphone.
Deceased Prepaids: CZ: Oskar, Eurotel; SK: Orange; DE: E-Plus, Aldi, Simyo; GE: Geocell; AM: Armentel; PL: Heyah, Plus; LT: Tele2; LV: Amigo; EE: Elisa; UA: Kyivstar; NZ: Vodafone; INT: UM, UM+, ICQSim.
GSM/3G Phones: Nokia Lumia 630 dual sim
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