15-02-2006, 01:27
Got My GT-sim on friday I tried to set up voicemail the phone says not allowed. Tried to send a SMS it did not send the sms. Called the help desk on Monday they were quite helpfull, but they could call me on the phone. they were to send me an sms and I was to follow the instructions. I never received the SMS. I am using a nokia 6230 I think I will send it to Iunlock and have them flash the phone. I think with new firmware it will help. I am running 5.24 and the new version is 5.50. The riiing card did the same thing. Any one else having any trouble with the sim.
[size=1]Prepaid cards, Moldova Tempo, Kyrg Republic BiTel, India Hutch, Bulgaria Mtel, Vodafone, UK. Etisalat. UAE. Afghan Wireless, Afghanistan. Three, UK. T-mobile post-paid.
Phones Gsm Iphone6+