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andy (Offline)
Senior Member
Prepaid Prophet
Posts: 2,128
Join Date: 10 Dec 2004

Default 10-01-2006, 02:44

when mine was new, it had ?10 credit and 15 month life - cost ?20

when you add ?15, it adds 9 months, up to a maximum life of 15 months
other values ?25 and ?50 - I think these give 15 months, but can't find the info

you can buy CallNow vouchers and keep them for a while (maybe a year?) - careful though as it's thermally printed - I bought one last Dec and applied it in July

you can call 22922 free from here - probably elsewhere too?
- menu options

1 balance
2 top-up
4 change language - English = 2
6 top-up using foreign scratchcard

make sure you get the PIN and PUK codes
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