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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 01-01-2006, 14:29

Originally Posted by snaimon
Look at

PERSONALLY, this offer does not interest me but here it is. Expands the offer to Turkey only. AND surprise surprise, it uses the D1 network. 39 cents to Germany AND 11 countries including Kosovo, Iraq, Iran, Russia, Romania, Turkey - land line OR mobile.
It seems to me that this is a "immigrant-oriented offer" but not more "single-national" like "Turkish-only" Al-Yildiz

"Cheaper countries" are some of former Yugoslavia (Bosnia, Macedonia, Kosovo), some of former USSR (Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan) and Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Poland and Romania. These are home countries for many economical immigrants in Germany as well as persons of German origin who moved to the country of their ancestors. The fact that the rates to these countries are the same as German (rather high) national rates suggests that this offer is intended mainly to keep in touch with the users' home countries.

BTW, it's nice to see that rates to rest of Europe and USA are much lower that "almost 2 EUR" standard German preapid rate .

Originally Posted by snaimon
ROAMING does not seem possible.
Please check this: .
I don't know German but it seems to me that it is possible.....

Originally Posted by snaimon
PERSONALLY, I would think a good calling card could beat those rates. For example,
You're right, but IMHO using calling cards is never so convenient as "standard" calling.
Moreover, even if we want to remain with "plain mobile" solution, it would be cheaper to use gt-sim instead - gt-sim rates are just 0.38 EUR mobiles and 0.26 EUR landlines to any country in the world! But I realize that gt-sim requires having a credit (or at least a debit) card, what may be sometimes a difficult condition for immigrants.

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