Thread: 09 Iceland
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RTuesday (Offline)
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Default 20-12-2005, 05:01

I've finally got a 09 sim (sent from Orate in the UK, who took weeks and still sent it "small packet" rate to save themselves a few pennies - avoid them if you can).

For me, the key selling point is the rate in Mexico. The inbound cost (zero) beats even the local sims, and the outbound isn't too bad (plus, with callback I could get the rate to the UK from Mexico down to US$0.15/min). The US rates though are obscene, have to make sure I turn it off near the border!

But, first impressions are not good. Although it can receive a test call (roaming in US, so I didn't pick up!), it doesn't make a call on either of the two networks nor two phones I tried, not even the "check balance" number. So I'm now testing the online support...

A test sms from US Cingular to the 09 didn't work either, and message sending (anywhere) simply fails.

Does anybody else have one of these? They seem very unclear about which phones they support, but my phones work fine with other global sims.

Sims: Telcel MX, T-Mobile US, Virgin Mobile UK, Orange UK, Knowroaming
Voip: Localphone UK, Anveo US, Google Voice
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