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snaimon (Offline)
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Default 17-12-2005, 20:33

Has anyone made or received a call to determine if the Riiing (ECO-SIM) rates have indeed been changed?

yoyogam, thank you for the info. I bought my card(s) back about a year ago. Here is the reply to my 2nd follow up question from the sellers of the ECO-SIM on

"Hallo snaimon,
vielen Dank f?r Ihre Mitteilung - die Kundenmitteilung von United Mobile kannte ich auch schon.

Um den Sachverhalt zu kl?ren, habe ich mich an den Salesmanager (======) von ECO mit der Frage gewandt, ob der neue Tarif auch ab sofort f?r die ECO-SIM gilt. Daraufhin habe ich folgende Antwort erhalten:

Hallo XXX,

gsm tarife im tarifrechner bleiben erst einmal so wie gehabt, falls ?nderungen kommen, bekommst Du bescheid.


Der Tarifrechner von ECO, genau wie meiner unter, setzt online auf dem riiing-Tarifrechner auf und funktioniert bis heute (mit den alten Tarifen).
Der riiing-Tarifrechner ist nur vom Endkunden unter nicht mehr per URL zu erreichen, da die gesamte Website ge?ndert wurde.

Mehr kann ich leider nicht dazu sagen, das ist der momentane Stand der Dinge wie er mit bekannt ist.

Mit freundlichen Gr??en
new media nord"

new media nord writes they have also seen the UM email. contact ECO sales manage (name deleted by me). Sales manager writes that the old ECO rates will remain in effect at least for now. If that changes, the sales manager will inform new media nord. nmn then continues that the ECO rate calculator is which apparently takes its rates from the OLD to the riiing online calculator WHICH IS SHOWING THE OLD RATES AT LEAST AS OF TODAY. That is all he knows AS OF TODAY.

As I see it, APPARENTLY, owners of Riiing cards are being charged new rates, although I cannot myself confirm this.

OTOH, owners of the ECO-SIM cards may still be calling at the old rates. Again, I cannot personally confirm this, but this is the line being given by ECO-SIM at the moment. There must be or have been something unique about the ECO-SIM brand when UM authorized it. As I recall, they have their OWN help line, not the standard UM help line. That was one reason some people were reluctant to purchase this version of the card to begin with.

Again, I would welcome anyone who can verify the rates with calls made or received.

It also SEEMS that the inbound rate to the US is now a low, low 79 e-cents down from 99 (or 1.29 originally on the um-site).


Phones: DASH V3 (3)
Service: US T-MO post paid (2) - US T-MO prepaid (2) - UM+ - TravelSIM DE SIMYO - DE SUNSIM T-Mobile DE
Calling Cards: Onesuite Enjoyprepaid AT&T MCI Mobivox
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