Originally Posted by AndreA
+423.663 is NOT a premium number!
It's a normal mobile prefix but some "smart" operators have a extra-fee for that... for example in Europe Budget Telecom has a very cheap price to FL mobiles.
About high prices I think that's only a commercial strategy. Maybe someone is afraid about U-M products and prefer to have high tariff plans to +423.663. Simply.
P.S.: last week I called Effendi on his riiing number from my Orangeclick account... it was a normal national call 
Well, just to clarify this, here are the rates that Telecom Companies are asking for the termination of +423 663:
Belgacom: 0,34 /min
German Telecom: 0,30
Swisscom: 0,31
Telia Sweden: 0,65
France Telecom: 0,36
Telecom D?veloppement (France): 0,31
Cable&Wireless (UK): 0,32
Telecom Austria: 0,30
The transiting fee is normaly rather low, so the 0,29 for United Mobile as terminating fee seems to be realistic.
Any service for less than the terminating fee must be very unstable.
Bouygues Telecom e.g. has closed all phone calls to +423 !