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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 11-12-2005, 01:15

Originally Posted by snaimon

Maybe it is working again. 1810 EST USA.

I lent my Riiing sim to my brother who went one week snowboarding in Italy.
Before he left, I did a test. I tried on Thursday (8th Dec) about 17:20 Central European Time (GMT+1) - this was a callback connection via CBW from a Polish landline to Riiing roaming on the PlusGSM network. No problem with getting through but there was some echo when talking. Charged 011423663XXXXXX Liechtenstein - Spec 0.90 0.21. What the hell is the unit for 0.90 - minutes? The real connection time was about 20-30 seconds. But if to count dialing time, then it would make sense 0.90 min = 54 sec and 21 cents is a rounded 0.9 * 0.228 cents/min.

PS. Haven't called to my brother after his arrival so I can't tell how is the status CBW 2 Riiing any later. The reason is he took only one phone and he prefers keeping his Polish sim inside (he receives a lot of SMSes on his Polish number) so I have to ask him via SMS to switch sims before I can talk .

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