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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 06-12-2005, 14:50

Originally Posted by andy
Sorry, I had a problem replying earlier ...

I think I meant surcharges within the card credit - they didn't seem to have been specified on those pages.

It is often difficult to find detailed tariff information for calling cards - in one case it needed 3 emails enquiries to get mobile and callbox surcharges. In another a new calling card raised some tariffs by factors of up to 20 times (ie 1.5p to 27p) only 6 weeks after being recommended on another forum.

I think the callback may have been via an 0800 number, although this wasn't very clear. To tell the truth, I wasn't too interested; my main point was that it wasn't all that cheap. I think you've amplified this now in your later post.
Maybe I would like too much from telecom companies, namely so that they would specify exact extra costs of reaching foreign access numbers.

But not all the companies follow that way.
E.g. Polish Telecom provides the list of access numbers for Poland Direct collect call service with remarks of unavailability or necessity of using a coin/card when using payphones.
I remember also discontinued VisaPhone service, where restrictions and/or extra costs of reaching access numbers were described in rather detailed way.
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