Thread: Gt-sim ?
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RTuesday (Offline)
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Default 10-11-2005, 22:02

Just tried out voicemail - it's very limited.

There's no way to change the outgoing message, and no way to pick up a message from another number (have to call via the phone, only). The outgoing message is in English, this is presumably set when you opened the account and doesn't appear to be changeable.

There is supposed to be an SMS to inform you when a message is left, but this can't be relied on. The only time I got an SMS is when I rejected a call, messages I left when the phone was switched off didn't get an SMS after it was back on. The first voicemail I left disappeared completely.

On the good side, there is (as you'd expect) no charge when a message is left. For me (maybe because I'm the home network) there is also no charge to pick the message up!

You are supposed to be able to listen to voicemails on the website, according to the help. That feature doesn't seem to exist yet though.

SMS to/from another UK network (Virgin) is fine, very quick.

Finally, call forwarding doesn't seem to work. It's documented on the "quick access" summary card but not in the main paper or online manuals, so maybe that is a feature they dropped on pupose. No call forwarding and no way to change the answerphone is VERY limiting if you know you'll be out of coverage for a while (as I will be, in Mexico).

Sims: Telcel MX, T-Mobile US, Virgin Mobile UK, Orange UK, Knowroaming
Voip: Localphone UK, Anveo US, Google Voice
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