29-06-2018, 04:41
i've been using koko for about a year and am generally quite satisfied. in my experience:
- In some countries it takes a while (several hours) to connect to the network. Sometimes forcing the profile helps but not always. I've had similar issues with togglemobile so maybe this is a problem with the "profiles" feature
- I had a problem in indonesia. It was impossible to connect. I contacted customer service by email and they replied very promptly (albeit during europe office hours only). After some standard back an fourth ("Did you restart your phone?", etc.) they realised they had a problem with their Indo provider. By the time it was fixed, i had already left the country.
- They have data only sim and data+voice sim. Annoyingly, the packages and prices are different. Data sim is logically better value for data. however some countires are available on voice sim package but missing on the data sim. So you need to either choose the sim wisely, or get both sims.
- I once had 9.98.- on my account and tried to buy a 9.90 package. This wasn't possible. I think there is a bug whereby you have to have 10.- on the account.
- Per mb rates are not too bad. for same price as 500mb package you can get around 200mb on per mb rate. The advantage of per mb is that it lasts longer than 30 days which is ideal if only using whatsapp.
- Unfortunately, it doenst seem possible to use VOIP fonctionality with the data sim. This is kind of annoying because there is no technical reason not to include voip on the data sim (since voip doesnt actually use voice calls). So that is another reason to get both sims.
- The "my account" page is quite impressive for a budget telco. There are a lot of options and things you can manage (sms notifications, call forwarding, websms, etc.).