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Babap (Offline)
Junior Member
Posts: 1
Join Date: 07 Nov 2016

Unhappy GL mobility dot com has ended operations - 07-11-2016, 23:17

I could not locate (2016-07-11) but reached telephone customer service at 1 866 299 4064.

I called GL Mobility group to report a situation I ran into while in Germany mid Oct 2016 that:
1) I could not make outgoing calls on my GL Mobility SIM (purchased and reasonably happy user since circa 2005),
2) I could not locate the website to recharge.

I was told by the operator that the GL mobility Sim services will no longer be available after my credit expires on the card. I will have to seek an alternate provider and they cannot offer a substitution, but will honour my card as long as there is credit. However, they are investigating why I cannot make outgoing calls (no callback), but can receive incoming calls. I can send and receive SMS messages.

Trust this helps others....
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