TescoMobile(o2UK) have a summer promo on from 23rd May - 4 Sep
Triple credit last 30 days, £20 credit will buy you 8GB and £40 bonus credit can be used on calling the EU (excludes UK) 4p a minute and 1p a text to EU, MMS 25p, free incoming.
A/C management online
3UK has 2 prepaid offers
Data Reward 200MB Mobile Broadband free a month can be used in EU calls in same roaming country or to UK, 4.3p a minute, 1.8p a text, 4.3p a MB.
200MB can be used in EU with 3 Feel@Home countries (see below)
30 day data Addons available after 200MB, 2GB £15, 5GB £20, 10GB £25.
free 200MB sim
Pay as you go ^same rates but you can buy add-ons off UK mins, texts and allocation of data - this data allocation can be used as in the UK.
All in One 10, 1GB, 100 min, 3000 texts ,£10
All in One 20, 12GB, 300 min, 3000 texts, £20
All in One 25, All-you-can-eat data, 500 mins, 3000 texts - £25
Or calling UK or same roaming EU country without a addon is same as rates above. Incoming calls 1p a minute.
"Feel At Home
You can now use your UK plan allowance or Add-on allowance to call or text the UK and to get online, if you’re in Australia, Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Macau, New Zealand, Norway, Republic of Ireland, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland and the USA. You’ll also benefit from lower-than-usual roaming rates in these countries if you run out of an allowance or you're using Pay As You Go credit. Find out more on our main Feel At Home page.
We wouldn't recommend buying a Euro Internet Pass in a Feel At Home destination, since it's usually cheaper to buy a UK Add-on in My3. If you do buy a Euro Internet Pass in one of these destinations, please be aware that your data won't be blocked at midnight UK time as normal. This means that unless you then buy another pass, any data use will come out of any allowances you have, or will be charged at our lower roaming rates."
I have used the info on the site for many years (thanks everyone) so covering my costs I will be happy enough to send anyone either. Also mods I would like to update the UK prepaid page with current UK info so if you are interested in doing such let me know