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andy (Offline)
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Prepaid Prophet
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Default 22-04-2016, 19:10

Originally Posted by kctopitz View Post
I look forward to your findings! Have you seen any indications that you can use any Three prepaid SIM for this offer?
Sorry for not replying sooner. A Three SIM only arrived today, after a phone query found no trace of order, so I re-ordered. (edit: another SIM arrived the next day)

I don't know whether any previous SIM can be transferred to this offer. I suspect not, but I haven't actually asked.

My SIM is the free one without the initial paid bundle. Activation was online, using a web form, and needs to be connected to a router with the SIM in. However it will help to simultaneously be in a home wifi zone, as the process involves a confirmation link in an email, and other connections than the specific web page (i.e. email and other websites) didn't work until about 20 minutes after that was clicked

The 200 MB allowance is shown in the account online, and I have not been asked to add any credit. The options to do so seem to start with pre-selecting a bundle, all for 30 days, and the cheapest is £15 for 2GB, so some people might then wish they'd chosen the £10 for 1GB on the initial SIM order. But I'm intending to see how it goes without topping up.

Last edited by andy; 23-04-2016 at 15:51..
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